
  1. Calico Tapeworm

    How Do I Find Our Department Sales Goal On MyDevice?

    It’s to be posted it in the stockroom daily, but I don’t know where to access that number. What’s the purpose of this? Is there something I should be doing to make sure this goal is achieved?
  2. mizl

    I'm Lost! TM's old name showing up on myDevice?

    I have a team member who legally changed their name years ago but whose old name is still showing up on their myDevice (you know, in the menu in myWork like "hi _______"). They said they've been trying to get that fixed for years with no leads. The old name doesn't seem to show up anywhere else...
  3. J

    I'm Lost! Having a hard time understanding device

    So... I’ve been working on the floor for about 3 weeks and am slowly learning as I go but this device is unlike anything I’ve ever used at my past retail jobs. I understand it has a purpose ankeeps thin ha organized but I’m having a hard time understanding the terminologies that are used and...
  4. MarketMayhem


    So having a daily routine helps productivity A LOT. So as I'm getting in the groove A typical day goes like this: Auto pull C&S Uboats, sfq, zone, audit, backstock Heavy zone. Reshop Which is already alot. Nevermind all the Salesplans, transitions, and Pricing that seemed to happen all at...
  5. V

    Archived Price change 2.0

    We are a test store that started this week. Of course no info is given to team members until it happens. As a receiver, members are bringing me pc salvage that was missed and saying they can't salvage it out. I can't figured it out either. I've asked ( old job title I know) etl logistics...
  6. B

    Archived Lack of Devices + Pointless Huddles = Major Time Suckage

    Wow, things have really changed since I worked at Target years ago. Things didn't seem as rushed and chaotic as they are now. What happened over the last decade to get it to this point?! I'm not sure if this is normal, but the store that I work at doesn't have nearly enough devices for all of...
  7. S

    Archived Autofill

    The team members were informed that autofills will no longer exist. Question? Is that why the manual cafs are so huge now??
  8. KillerTL

    Archived SFQ in Audit or MyWork???

    Ok so everyone says something different in our store. When fixing SFQ should you do it in Audit? Or under manage inventory in mywork? Or does it even matter anymore lol. I know in audit we are being told not to audit numbers down but only up.
  9. S

    Archived Alerts

    How do I set the alert for flexible fulfillment? Before, I would do that through the alert icon.
  10. C

    Archived Equipment sign out

    How. Does your store sign equipment out? My store is soooo unorganized you can never find the paper or name because some how the papers get mixed up with other days so I just make sure to sign out of the device because I’m not gonna look through the 100 pages of daily logs or find my name to...
  11. B

    Archived Losing mydevices

    Have y’all ever lost a mydevice? I remember I lost one my first week of work omg I was shitting my fucking pants 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
  12. reverselogistics

    Archived Zebra help

    I’m still using the PDA for certain things everyday. Using the Zebra how do I do the following things? Mispicks, setting up and shipping Salvage and CRC skids, item searches and ESIM sorting. Thanks!
  13. lacimaci1455

    Archived How do I pull a batch? Never have before and and advice helps!

    I transferred to a new target store last week. Before that I had 5 weeks off, and at that time my old store wasnt in modernization so I was used to the backroom having all of the push ready for me to take. But there no backroom at my new store and we have to pull our own batches. I am taking an...
  14. K

    Archived New phone system

    The new phone system just rolled out, and it seems to be working fine, but it feels like we're just not getting any phone calls to the store. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  15. S

    Archived Salesplanner labels

    Today, I tried to print salesplanner labels via all applications but when I selected label menu the option to print POG labels was not there. Has the option to print from the computer been eliminated? Can we only print through the zebra now?
  16. Endlessbackstock

    Archived 48 chargers, 26 zebras

    How does everyone else stack up in this situation? Obviously I have surrendered to the fact that the only way to acquire a Zebra for my shift is to hide it at the end of the previous shift. The policy of a license in exchange for a Zebra would be helpful in this situation. It has worked at...
  17. S

    Archived Mistake doing audit?

    So there are two items in my area that I've noticed we have way more of than what myWork says we have on hand. The floor is full to capacity and we have a ton in the back. I did an audit of one of the items and entered that we had 47 on hand (we have 12 on floor and 35 in back). Next thing I...
  18. S

    Archived Zebra died during pulls

    So my Zebra gave me no warning at all and died while doing my pulls. I decided just to take my 15 right now but I was wondering if the batches I was working on will be messed up now or if I will be able to jump right back in?
  19. H

    Archived Steps to create a manual batch for a specific dept. ex. GRC2?

    How do I do this on a Zebra? And why do manuals instead of EXF?
  20. C

    Archived Scanning Outs

    Can someone tell me how to scan outs on the zebra? I have worked here over a year and no one has taught my how and at this point I am to afraid to ask lol