Archived Anyone else have a ton of trouble with the portable printers?

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May 10, 2013
About 90% of the time, when trying to print the backroom UPC/date labels, I get a message saying that this printer is unavailable, and that I need to A-Assign new printer or C-continue. Continuing gets you stuck in that app and you have to wait for RF apps to automatically sign you out or reboot. Assigning a new printer doesn't seem to help, because every printer from then on gives me the same issue.

There's got to be a way to remedy this. It really sets me behind while I'm pushing fresh meat and produce on C&S mornings.
Hmm that's weird. I've had printer connectivity issues plenty of times but it's usually not that persistent - at least outside of days where the whole system is having problems storewide. Have you tried cold booting the PDA and yanking the batteries on the printer for a minute or so?
Hmm that's weird. I've had printer connectivity issues plenty of times but it's usually not that persistent - at least outside of days where the whole system is having problems storewide. Have you tried cold booting the PDA and yanking the batteries on the printer for a minute or so?
More times than I could count, unfortunately. Had to go through 4 PDAs and 3 printers before I could find a match.

Its not a huge deal, it just means that I may not be able to get to it before I have to leave, and I really hate leaving more work for my closer.
I'm a PA & even though we have the FDC which puts pick labels on food, meat & some produce still comes in needing b-coded. There are mornings where the printer works, and mornings where I fight with it. Whenever it starts to do that to me, I just put the food in the proper cooler & move on to something else & bcode later.

Oh & when you are stuck on the Assign new printer or continue screen, instead of A or C, use E for exit and it will get you off that screen.
This happened to me the other night when pulling PC. It sent me to a location that wasn't there. I guess it was somewhere, but I haven't found it yet. I went to print a location label on a red top printer and it didn't work. I borrowed a 9200 from a sales floor TM (the one that said flexible fulfillment on it, hmmm) and that one didn't work either. Luckily I opened the next morning so I did it first thing. I still had to hear from my coworkers though "why didn't you pull that PC?".
You can also create labels from the signing and label PC.

Log onto Store Applications >> Backroom Location Managment >> Create Backroom Labels

Then click print single labels and fill in the info.
Try making a Barcode for a regular item before making one for meat/produce/bakery when you first connect to a printer.. A backroom TM swears by it..
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You don't have to scan the printers. Just type in the last 4 digits of the printer number.
I'm glad we aren't having any issues like that right now. Apart from when you use PDA and scan an item and then it kicks you back to the main rf apps screen. Really odd, but restarting it has always worked for us.
I'm glad we aren't having any issues like that right now. Apart from when you use PDA and scan an item and then it kicks you back to the main rf apps screen. Really odd, but restarting it has always worked for us.

If you toggle out of RF apps for anything it will kick you to the main screen. This always happens in Pricing and we have to log off RF apps and sign back in before we can print a sticker.
There must have been a recent update to printer software. Recently, we've had connectivity issues too. Often, the printer will print a "rf network offline" tag, but then immediately be reconnected. In the past, printers would do a quick-connect and "think" they were reconnected, but actually weren't. (Printer unavailable) Our solution was to remove the batteries for several minutes until the connection was completely dropped. Now, it seems they're forcing a connection drop? In any case, as I always tell everyone, the best remedy for printer issues is PATIENCE. There is no magic button, sorry.
About 90% of the time, when trying to print the backroom UPC/date labels, I get a message saying that this printer is unavailable, and that I need to A-Assign new printer or C-continue. Continuing gets you stuck in that app and you have to wait for RF apps to automatically sign you out or reboot. Assigning a new printer doesn't seem to help, because every printer from then on gives me the same issue.

There's got to be a way to remedy this. It really sets me behind while I'm pushing fresh meat and produce on C&S mornings.
Happens everytime on C&S unload. Usually we logout and then login with a different TM. If that doesnt work then reboot. It is very annoying and I dont know why this is even a problem but hey its target so...ya..haha.
Once we sign into a printer we're trapped there so if that printer stopped working we cannot sign into a different printer. Also, if we print labels on the main computer then we can't sign on to a portable. I tried the suggestion from this thread the other day took the batteries out waited, put them back in and it worked. I've shared that with a couple of people at work. They think I'm a genius LOL! Thanks! I love this forum!
Also something I've found out, to get out of being trapped on a hip printer or main printer, on the 9200 PDA hit CTRL + X and it force closes WebApps and RFapps. Disconnects you from everything. On the 9090 PDA hit the blue function key and then the CTRL key twice and up in the top left corner you will see a small window pop up. Hit EXIT and it force closes everything as well. Also good for if you want to do a new batch name when your tying transitions or revisions for peg and price accuracy labels for printing later. Hope this helps and pass along to new TM's at least as long as we have our PDAs. Looking forward to the new iPDAs (myDevice)!
Also something I've found out, to get out of being trapped on a hip printer or main printer, on the 9200 PDA hit CTRL + X and it force closes WebApps and RFapps. Disconnects you from everything. On the 9090 PDA hit the blue function key and then the CTRL key twice and up in the top left corner you will see a small window pop up. Hit EXIT and it force closes everything as well. Also good for if you want to do a new batch name when your tying transitions or revisions for peg and price accuracy labels for printing later. Hope this helps and pass along to new TM's at least as long as we have our PDAs. Looking forward to the new iPDAs (myDevice)!
Like! Like! Like! Like!
Also something I've found out, to get out of being trapped on a hip printer or main printer, on the 9200 PDA hit CTRL + X and it force closes WebApps and RFapps. Disconnects you from everything. On the 9090 PDA hit the blue function key and then the CTRL key twice and up in the top left corner you will see a small window pop up. Hit EXIT and it force closes everything as well. Also good for if you want to do a new batch name when your tying transitions or revisions for peg and price accuracy labels for printing later. Hope this helps and pass along to new TM's at least as long as we have our PDAs. Looking forward to the new iPDAs (myDevice)!

Thanks you for that! Sometimes in the morning when I am not thinking I type in the wrong printer number and wind up going back to get the right one.. lol
Your welcome! I do this all the time daily! Also good for when you have to give up your PDA (not something I like) but instead of logging out of everything manually, just use the shortcut and hand off.
portable printers are my friend, i can always get BCODE working when others cannot. Not sure what i do, just logoff "L" in RFApps and then toggle and keep hitting the home upper left until get logged out. Then log back in and all is good for me to BCODE, sometimes I use another TMs number they logg in for me, or use another PDA and that works everytime.
How does one associate a portable printer with the service desk registers? I had to borrow a printer from guest service once because no other printers were available, and it wouldn't print tickets for guest service later (defective, salvage, etc.).
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