Appearance Dress Code

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MasterBlaster (User has passed away)
Nov 20, 2014
I'm not talking about clothing... Yesterday a male TM had his long nails polished blue. I asked him about that and he replied: "It's a whole new world nowadays!"

Really? Is it a whole new world? I'm wondering if he'll be wearing lipstick, mascara and eyeliner tomorrow.

TM's with neck or facial tattoos, blue hair, nose rings...

When I applied at PetSmart, there was a clause about no visible tattoos... I thought that was kinda severe.

So, does anything go at Target nowadays? Is it truly 'a whole new world?'
Cool, but this thread isn't about someone's 'issues.'

It's specifically about Target's Official Dress Code.

Does anything go @ Spot?
I'm assuming that if it's acceptable for a woman to wear than they aren't going to go after a man for the same thing.
Spot has always been pretty forward thinking on appearance, body mods, etc. something I give them a lot of credit for.

Sidenote: Back in my punk days I wore black fingernail polish.
I've never been a big fan of 'assuming.'

I want to know Target's official stance.
For the original question, when I started nothing was really stated about nail polish/make-up. Basically what the dress code was was "red/khaki/close-tied shoes". My store is quite lenient. We have many TMs with large tattoos.

We have a transitioning SBTM that I went to high school with. They are transitioning from FTM. Back in fourth quarter, she'd have her nails painted crazy colours and it seemed to be ok. Now he's stopped wearing make up/ nail polish altogether. I think it might be ASANTS about leniency on makeup and nail polish.
I'm not talking about clothing... Yesterday a male TM had his long nails polished blue. I asked him about that and he replied: "It's a whole new world nowadays!"

Really? Is it a whole new world? I'm wondering if he'll be wearing lipstick, mascara and eyeliner tomorrow.

TM's with neck or facial tattoos, blue hair, nose rings...

When I applied at PetSmart, there was a clause about no visible tattoos... I thought that was kinda severe.

So, does anything go at Target nowadays? Is it truly 'a whole new world?'
I don't know of any specific appearance code other than red shirt/khaki pants/closed shoes.

I didn't know nail polish or makeup was gender specific. I have a large forearm tattoo, and 2 facial piercings and smaller sized stretched ears (among several other piercings in my ears lol). Two of my TLs are tattooed, one with a sleeve, the other has some blue in her hair, several other TMs have visible tattoos as well. None of this affects how hard we work. Target has it's downsides but I'm happy that I work for such an open minded and accepting company :D
So, my question has been answered.

"Other than red shirt/khaki pants/closed shoes," anything goes.

Maybe I'll wear bright red lipstick when I go in today. That should really promote guest vibe! :)
I am very very supportive of ANYONES right to express themselves by what they choose to wear-
but I have to say it made me realize how much the world has changed when we got the SI double issue- showed Bruse Jenner from 76 Olympics ( which will always be my favorite summer Olympics) and Caitlyn Jenner today.
As long as people are able to find love and acceptance, I am happy. But I feel so darn old!
My bedroom was covered with Nadia pics back then, I wanted to be just like her. Now I aspire to age as gracefully as Helen Mirren.
She's still a babe.

But, I still believe the workplace isn't the same as whatever you do off the clock.

The workplace is NOT a democracy.

A sense of professionalism should always be maintained. I mean, why are the ETL's required to tuck in their shirts?
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At my store? Damn straight, especially during a "Visit."
It would match my shirt, for sure!
What is an exempt employee?
Why can't they just say salaried?

I had an ETL saying they could write you up for improper dress code though. Back when people were picketing stores, I decided to be a smart ass and ask one of my hypotheticals, being "how would Target handle me if I was leading a picket?"

To which his answer was more or less that they'd cut my hours, find pointless shit to coach me over, and generally make my life hell until I left.

One of his pointless shit was "well, we'd look at your nails, and if they're not clean and trimmed proper, we could coach you for that."

I called bullshit on that, but he defended it as an actual thing. So was he being equally smart ass?

Additionally, and somewhat related, what's to stop employees being dirty or grungy? Freedom of expression is fine and dandy, but what about people who just don't ever wash their clothes?
Dress code is only clothing. Even at that pants seem to be a judgement call. At my store though HYGIENE seems to be lacking. I get you work flow/backroom but when your funk clears 8 aisles then its shower time. I work backroom, bust a sweat and still won't smell due to respect for others nostrils.
I have a fairly visible tattoo. A few of our GSAs/GSTLs have rainbow colored hair and piercings, a service desk TM has dyed hair and piercings, a cashier has a very noticeable (and gauged) nose ring, beards are a popular thing for the guys who can grow yeah I'd say anything goes as long as you're wearing a red shirt, khaki pants, and close-toed shoes.
Additionally, and somewhat related, what's to stop employees being dirty or grungy? Freedom of expression is fine and dandy, but what about people who just don't ever wash their clothes?
I think it becomes an HR issue as regarding hygiene.
We had a flow TM who was beyond grunge well into greasy/filthy.
It wasn't until several ETLs saw him on the floor one morning that HR pulled him aside.
Apparently he was bunking at a shelter & didn't have toiletries so the ELT-HR bought him a bag of soap, deodorant, boxers, etc out of her own pocket.
I was asked to talk to a cashier (also a friend) regarding his B.O. & he admitted he'd cut it too close to shower before work.
Re: grooming code - I was always told that pretty much anything was allowed provided it wasn't exceedingly distracting, offensive or promoted unsafe behavior (no idea about that one).
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Cool, but this thread isn't about someone's 'issues.'

It's specifically about Target's Official Dress Code.

Does anything go @ Spot?
Pretty much. There's a video HR has about targets corporate beliefs and diversity is their number one agenda. To that I say, why not? Target gives people benefit of the doubt more times than not and that's something worth admiring. Target takes leaps of faith and changes quite well.
ETLs are required to tuck in their shirts? o_O
TLs and ETLs I don't know if there is anything official but at my store really seems like there is a rule. Although if you're a TL and your area is in excellent condition during BTS/BTC/Q4 hell you can be pretty close to a hobo and no one will say a thing, DTL won't say shit either but congratulate you on a fine job. ETLs wouldn't dare be anything but presentable at all times though. The better the employee the more slack.
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