I don't want to discourage you, but it's all politics. If the STL will vouch for you, then yes, you can do it. But unless your STL goes to bat for you, it is impossible. And the support of the ETL's really doesn't matter (other than convincing the STL to say yes) because the DTL makes the decisions. It really doesn't matter HOW good of scores you have, or what you've done in the past.. Somehow Execs/STL's can only remember short-term events lol (prob from all the drinking you have to do to keep your sanity in those roles). Also, when you break down the pay for ETL's hour by hour, they're not making much at all. You'd make more as a Sr.TL in the $20/hr range than an ETL working 60hrs+ a week (more during 4th quarter). Plus when you clock out, you're DONE!! Being salaried sucks.. you have to take work home with you and constantly check emails. When I think about it, there is nothing positive about being salaried other than the money the company is saving by having you work more and more for the same pay lol