Archived STL and ETL Coachings

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Sep 17, 2014
I was wondering, if an ETL or even an STL is coached, is it the same process as the rest of the store? Is it documented using the same PDD form?
I don't know about the forms themselves but an STL->ETL coaching is delivered in the same fashion as you would to a TM or TL.
Albeit the conversation might be longer and in depth.
Not sure what you a formality? As a former STL?
As a formal STL the conversations are much more candid about performance to where usually a coaching form is not needed. Once an STL is being coached they are out the door and looking for a job. ETLs have coaching forms like TLs and team members but extremely detailed.
I dont believe STLs are coached. From what I've seen with former stls here once you get to the point that you would need a coaching your time with spot is over. We had a STL two years ago who was underperforming DTL and hrbp came to the store spoke to him spoke with all of us tls and told us that they spoke to Him and told him he needed to step it up. Two weeks later he calls us to the training room and tells us he's opening his own business and that he would not be returning to work. I've never clapped so hard in my life . Looking back kinda feel sorry for the guy
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