ETLs quitting on the spot, that's a bad sign...
well she was from hardlines/grocery outside experience so being thrown into clothing was not her deal and the vice was starting to tighten cause of the INF issues with SFS/OPU. It was time for her to clean up her house and she just decided to just move instead. The kicker was that Monday before they knew she was gone her one year award was dropped in her mail box.
I can see why she bailed. Who wants this kind of stress...
Lost our only gm tl. . .going into black thirsday with one style tl and a food tl. . . One gm etl. . .logistic etl. . .thats it. . .send life boats!
We have been through 6 softlines TL this year. Could I be the only one that knows the problem is the OVERPOWERING VM that none of them could work with ?!
Did NONE of them tell the SD or HR that the VM makes working there a Nightmare !?
My request to ALL people leaving - PLEASE be honest when you tell HR WHY you are leaving !
This has been a “groundhog day” movie....the same thing happening over and over. Ya gotta find and fix the source, not manage the symptoms....over and over again !
same shit, different day. Same issues, different face.
Please fix it. The current one is exhibiting the same symptoms.
Lost our Style/Specialty etl, won't be getting replaced until after 4th quarter.
Yes, generally speaking. But I have about 20 years of retail experience and my other style lead around 10 so we'll be ok. I just wrote the schedule for all of q4 with HR etl by putting everyone on a set schedule. Our beauty area has a veteran tm of at least 15 years who I status with during all of my shifts and I've started monitoring tech as well. SD and GM etl are watching/directing their backroom/truck processes for any issues. As long as we function as a team we'll be ok. No essential team members have been lost, and we're fully staffed as of last week. The etls will feel it though, they will each have to take on more early morning opens.
Wish that would happen at my store...😂😂😂😂😂😂Last year one young guy told the log t/l she was an asshole and walked out. He was good, and she was hideous.
Losing an ap and closing expert. Sadly they are both amazing and cometely sick of the crap.