Recent content by 14HuThr

  1. 1

    Starbucks Team Leaders

    I went in and called my DM. He emailed us a list of stores that were effected in our district but all together I think it was close to 300 stores that were effected. I called LSR and they said they are sending an auto shipment of select items from the missing shipment(only 1 case of each item)...
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    Starbucks Team Leaders

    Anyone have issues with their order not being delivered this week? It's my day off and came in to do some shopping and had one of my TM tell me that 200+ stores orders got lost or something like that.
  3. 1

    Starbucks Team Leaders

    @FriedTL Thank you so much for your help! I have a few really strong TM that I feel would be able to take on these roles while I'm shifting into Consumables more now so I think this will work great!
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    Starbucks Team Leaders

    This helps a lot!! Thank you so much!! As of now we don't have the greatest set routines for each shift. It's just a list of things between morning crew and night crew. And getting the other morning TMs to time manage and get things done before closers come in has been rocky. I dont know the...
  5. 1

    Starbucks Team Leaders

    With BTS going on right now we have 5 TMs, 6:30-3, 7-3, 12-5:30, and 2 baristas closing 3-8:30
  6. 1

    Starbucks Team Leaders

    Hey everyone! So I just recently got the position of Food&Bev TL. I've been a barista for 5 years now so I've got a good knowledge of running Starbucks for the most part. But something my team is finding hard to do is stick with the Playbook deployment. We're a Vol 2 store and although it seems...