Recent content by Davis Sterling

  1. Davis Sterling

    Archived Secret Camera?

    They are probably just trying to terminate you for doing stuff like taking pictures when you are supposed to be working.
  2. Davis Sterling

    Archived Ap changes

    This guy can hardly formulate a sentence and I'm the troll
  3. Davis Sterling

    Archived BTS 2017

    I never take the BTS i just come on here to complain about everything
  4. Davis Sterling

    Archived Ap changes

    I see you are doing what everyone else on here does and just make up anything you want and when/if it comes true you say they stole the idea from you.
  5. Davis Sterling

    Archived Target membership

    Oh ok thanks for making me feel welcome... he joined yesterday he must be lying. I guess you will all see soon enough.
  6. Davis Sterling

    Archived Target membership

    No guys I can confirm it.