Recent content by Divmando123

  1. D

    myStore - For the myDeviceless TM

    This is actually a huge help, thanks kind person! (: Two questions if you don’t mind clarifying 1. sorry what’s pFresh? 2. What’s the FDC truck?
  2. D

    myStore - For the myDeviceless TM

    From my knowledge it’s not always local vendors but I could be wrong. Let me know if you ever find anything (: Unfortunately I can’t try to access the API as you are - to save my ass D:
  3. D

    myStore - For the myDeviceless TM

    post was removed by mods from the account being new, so here’s an image of it
  4. D

    myStore - For the myDeviceless TM

    Hey @Mikuhl since you’re dealing with the API, do you have any insight on this?