Recent content by Imperial10

  1. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    Awesome! I always thought HR would be right up my alley, so that makes me very excited for the future ahead! Thanks for the information!
  2. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    It's only been about a month of applying, but I'm not even getting to the interview process. I can communicate very effectively and have done great in other interview processes for past jobs. If I get to the Target Interview, I'm very confident in my ability to land the job. Maybe it's...
  3. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    Really? I've been working all through high school and college. Hope that improves my chances over some of the other applicants.
  4. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    @HRZone That's awesome to hear! I'll keep on sending those applications out then. I have the luxury of living in Southern California, so I have tons of stores to apply to! While I have you, do you recommend I look into the ETL internship if I continue not having success with ETL positions?
  5. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    @HRZone I'd absolutely love HR. I've been looking at HR positions, but the problem is almost everyone requires some form of HR experience which I don't currently have. I will definitely be looking at HR positions for Target!
  6. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    Hmm. Guess I will continue to apply for ETL then! I do have two years of retail experience, and an additional 7 years of customer service experience.
  7. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    I have applied to a few ETL positions but wasn't selected. I've been told that it's hard to get selected as an ETL without any manager experience. Not sure how accurate that is though.
  8. I

    Archived College grad looking at Target as a Career path.

    I just graduated with my BA in Psychology, and am looking to get into a career type job. I have a friend who works for Target as a Senior Team Leader, and he loves it and has been encouraging me to apply. He's had someone he knows send out my resume to all the Targets in Southern California...