Recent content by perishables assistant

  1. P

    Archived p fresh and backroom issue with new STL.

    That is absurd! However, at my store, Market hours are used to backstock the Pfresh truck anyways so I guess it's kinda the same thing. Just the PA's or myself don't do it. I also wanted to add a question hoping the poster or someone else could help. Are the CTL's at your stores scheduled under...
  2. P

    Archived Pfresh issues

    Hey, you will probably get an extra dollar per hour. The Perishables Assistant is one of the most underpaid positions in the entire store in my opinion. Especially considering the workload and responsibility that comes along with it. Now would be the time to ask for more though if you think your...
  3. P

    Archived Pfresh issues

    Hey pfreshbackroomguy, sorry to hear about the crap you have to deal with from your CTL. You're right though, it is impossible to find every out of date. Our FBP even told us that during our 3 day Hands on Pfresh training. And I agree that you shouldn't be closing every shift that you work. They...
  4. P

    Archived Pfresh issues

    Haha...I know what you mean about the full coolers and freezer. I don't think anything could have prepared me for that initial food delivery. We are just now getting our dairy cooler and our freezer to a maintainable level. I also like having our meat and produce cooler levels low just because...
  5. P

    Archived Pfresh issues

    Hi, I too have been a PA for a little over a month now and thought I'd share a few things. First off, I DEFINITELY feel your struggles as I'm still dealing with many of the exact ones you listed. Our store just finished the remodel back in March though so I feel like the LOD's are somewhat...
  6. P

    Archived I am now a pfresh asst.... now what?

    Hi, I'm the PA at my recently remodeled Pfresh store and I can tell you that it is A LOT of work. I'm no stranger to hard work, but the workload is almost unrealistic so definitely getting a good routine down and prioritizing is a must. We just made it through our first month so I thought I...