Recent content by Statefarmclothes

  1. S


    I’m going to start my day with a positive outlook (walks to the back)........ yeah scratch that.At first I thought it was an empty box boy I was wrong. More spare parts at least!
  2. S

    How bad is your workload and backup?

    Workload has been increasing heavily but hours have been shrinking........
  3. S

    Target Memes

    I build my on the back of the line by the receiving desk but at the other end, not the best it’s cramped, usually have to move for vendors but I literally can’t think of another place to build them they won’t let me go outside....
  4. S

    Can't believe Target supports Dailypay CEO

    Yeah I use daily pay and I regret it with a passion I had an unexpected expense so I downloaded it... now I can’t stop using it I don’t have the self control to not take money out for Unnecessary reasons because I know I can take it out with a click of a button but then when I get paid it’s...