Recent content by SuckMyDuckMFer

  1. SuckMyDuckMFer

    Pay after covid leave

    Call the Better Business Bureau.
  2. SuckMyDuckMFer

    Target will pay employees an extra $2 an hour for peak days of holiday season

    They don't care about you. Just a select few. That's why they give secret fall bonuses to some and not all.
  3. SuckMyDuckMFer

    MEGATHREAD Welp, masks are back again...

    That's such horse shit.
  4. SuckMyDuckMFer

    Thoughts on extending hazard pay.

    Pretty sure Wal-mart is giving their employees another bonus so Target isn't the only ones extending some sort of benefits. Gonna be fun to see them take our benefits away on the day our nation declared it's independence.
  5. SuckMyDuckMFer

    Stores with positive cases?

    Cool. Want to kiss mouths?
  6. SuckMyDuckMFer

    Stores with positive cases?

    Our store had it's first positive testing. They called all the employees and told them about it. That's it. They don't even give us mask and gloves. They instead make jokes when someone quarantines.
  7. SuckMyDuckMFer

    COVID-19 Hazard pay due to Corona Virus

    Fuck a $2 increase. That is the bump to $15. I want time and a half. If we all strike during the pandemic, they can't say no.