Recent content by Sufficio

  1. S

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTMs: My god you make me feel like I'm in highschool again. Cliques, gossiping, nonstop texting, flirting with each other, and just being lazy and useless team members. You're all spoiled rich teenagers who don't know the meaning of working. Your parents are paying for your school and you all...
  2. S

    Archived Stupid things people have been fired for at your store?

    ~60 year old cashier decided to get in a screaming match with a guest over politics before storming out and leaving. He tried to come in for his next shift and they sent him home. Good riddance, he always made really uncomfortable flirty gestures toward me(I was super new and didn't know to...
  3. S

    Archived Cashier Speed Foolishness

    I don't understand why it's apparently so difficult to get a green cashier speed for the week. Most of my team members get yellow or red, I've literally never gotten anything besides green. My score is ~95-100% every day. I also have guests who take a long time writing checks, counting change...
  4. S

    Archived How many call-offs are alright?

    I do not, I work cashier. To be fair, that's also handling food in the case of groceries, though.
  5. S

    I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

    Ack, I didn't know calling the day before was bad. I thought it'd be better to give them more time to find someone to cover my shift. I'll have to make sure to call the day of from now on.
  6. S

    Archived How many call-offs are alright?

    Serious question: What the hell do you do when you get sick? Do you just go in anyways? I feel like that's so irresponsible and just leads to other team members catching whatever you have. Wouldn't it make the store look bad too? "Geez, they wouldn't even let their sick as hell employee stay...
  7. S

    Archived What is Target's weather policy?

    2 feet of snow and my car is buried in a drift 4 feet high. Already called off today because of a horrid cold(plus the terrible snow- I was scheduled 1-9 and I don't feel even remotely safe driving while sick and with the snow). I'm scheduled tomorrow and I've already decided not to call off...
  8. S

    Archived How many call-offs are alright?

    So it's just another name then? Weird, I thought it was some kind of automated thing that judges performance. Thanks. I hope my store is like that. Also, those people sound absolutely ridiculous. Geez.
  9. S

    Archived How many call-offs are alright?

    I guess in future I'll just need to go in and see if they send me home then. If not, whatever, I get paid. If they do, then at least I tried. Good to know, thanks. I'm not sure how my store is for checking attendance, but I do know a fair amount of people tend to call off often(we had a day...
  10. S

    Archived How many call-offs are alright?

    So don't take their money, don't touch the counter, or any of their items. Gotcha :^) But for real, I do wash my hands at every opportunity and use hand sanitizer. I think I actually got the cold from my mom. I didn't figure there was a set amount, but I've had to call in about once every...
  11. S

    Archived How many call-offs are alright?

    Do you eat 20 oranges a day to keep up that spotless immune system? Teach me your secrets.
  12. S

    Archived How many call-offs are alright?

    edit: Sorry, missed the megathread about this stuff. Hey, so I've been working at Target since September. I typically only work weekends. Unfortunately, I feel like I've had to call off quite often. I always call at least the night before, or earlier if I know I won't be able to make it in. I...