Recent content by Target2006

  1. T

    Archived Registers crashing since chip update

    did this happen to anyone after the card reader stops working u suspend the order when u scan the suspend slip the totals don't match it's happened a few times at my store
  2. T

    Archived Guest Surveys

    Thats what happens in our store, this way the customer gets out faster if the gsa/gstl is busy with another customer.
  3. T

    Archived Guest Surveys

    When ringing beer for an underage cashier the cashier next to them usually rings it up. They sign out we sign in and continue the transaction.
  4. T

    Archived Guest Surveys

    It's just very unsetting to get spoken to when you know you go out of your way to be nice, pack the bags the way you would pack for yourself and ask every customer if they would like to sign up for a red card.
  5. T

    Archived Guest Surveys

    Does it have your name on it with the complaint from the customer. I think its unfair because sometimes you have to ring up beer if a cashier is underage. If that cashier was not good the survery is under your numbers not theirs. So its going to reflect on you.
  6. T

    Archived Guest Surveys

    Does anyone elses store give cashiers the results of guest surveys for example, the cashier wasnt friendly or the cashier doesnt bag right.