Recent content by Tooearlyfortruck

  1. T

    Archived Just started flow team training. Do I just show up for truck tomorrow or...?

    Our orientation was about an hour and a half that consisted of the cheesy video, reading through the handbook, and then being sent on our way with a couple pamphlets about the pay benefits and whatnot. We had to wait until we got a phone call to tell us when to come in for training. And I was...
  2. T

    Archived Just started flow team training. Do I just show up for truck tomorrow or...?

    I'm still figuring out how to work this website, so forgive my noobery. But yeah, we weren't given a training schedule. Or anything like that actually. All we were told is that our LOD (if that's even the right acronym) might want us in on Friday. But I was told that on Tuesday before I left...
  3. T

    Archived Just started flow team training. Do I just show up for truck tomorrow or...?

    Tuesday was supposed to be day one of training. I was supposed to do my computer stuff. But the chick in charge had no clue what all I was even supposed to do so three guys from flow hung out with me and helped me bullshit the random quizzes I was being made to do (that weren't even relevant to...