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  1. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  2. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  3. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  4. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  5. Black Sheep 214

    Transfer question

    Sounds like bs to me. If you feel that you aren’t being told the truth, you probably aren’t. A reason is a reason and it’s not your ETL’s job to evaluate yours. That said, both stores have to approve your transfer and your store can block your transfer if they feel like it. Also, if you are on...
  6. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  7. Black Sheep 214

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    😍My favorite song back in the day…🐍😁
  8. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  9. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  10. Black Sheep 214

    "welcome to Target. Relax and enjoy the summertime vibes."

    Funny how our backroom AC never seemed to work in the summer when it was hot 🥵 (although the sales floor AC never seemed to have a problem), but in the dead of winter when we were already freezing it turned itself on just fine.🥶
  11. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  12. Black Sheep 214

    Buzzing from the speakers instead of music.

    That buzzing sound! They’re everywhere! Just kidding!😂😂😂😂😂😂
  13. Black Sheep 214

    Are the self-checkouts at your store "ten items or less." now?

    Most successful businesses don’t enact policies that encourage people to buy less, but this is Target so par for the course I guess.
  14. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  15. Black Sheep 214

    Are the self-checkouts at your store "ten items or less." now?

    They are all ten items or less at the store I go to, and they have TMs stationed there to count your items and direct you to a register if you have too many. One of the TMs stuck there used to be really friendly, now they have the demeanor of a prison guard doing a contraband search. Not sure if...
  16. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  17. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  18. Black Sheep 214

    Is this normal???

    Back when we used to pull cafs (that had to be pulled within the hour or our metrics went red and there was hell to pay) one of out ETLs made us stop pulling to sweep the backroom for a visit. I should have seen the writing on the wall for Spot right there…
  19. Black Sheep 214

    Technology wishlist

    I would have loved that!