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  1. C

    Is this normal???

    Literally? Over use of a dead metaphor. Nobody gives a rats ass if the baler is left open. That's not the issue.
  2. C

    Is this normal???

    This is something to bring up with the Logistics ETL. Inexcusable. Night crew should have had the decency to process this shit. It would only take a few minutes. Crank out a bale? 5 mins tops.
  3. C


    Grab your guns and run for the hills! Will they be in controlled airspace?
  4. C

    Are they testing me? (Carton Air)

    Had to know your audience. The guy was a nut. Pleasant nut however. Never had an issue. I wish Guldens was still in jars. Towards the end of the squirt bottle I cut the top off with my Boy Scout knife, scoop out what I want and cover with a lunch bag and a rubber band. I waste nothing...
  5. C

    Smart Balance formula change

    I use it to grease the rails on my Mossberg Model 500.
  6. C

    Smart Balance formula change

    Got a tub of conventional I can't believe it's not butter. Very nice.
  7. C

    Prompt asking about breaks.

    Take your breaks. I could squeeze 15 into 20. Just be smooth about it.
  8. C

    Team Voice Survey

    Corp: Give us a good reason why we can't smoke in the back room.
  9. C

    Suggestions to deal with hotwheels guys

    And I thought we had the monopoly on screwballs. WTF do these imbeciles do with these toys and how much do they sell for?
  10. C

    Are they testing me? (Carton Air)

    At my old store they didn't give a shit about accuracy and neatness, just go faster and faster. "Hey (insert name of TL), how far apart should I space the mustards? 1/8" or 3/16"? Done with a serious straight Captain face he was easy to fuck with.
  11. C

    Suggestions to deal with hotwheels guys

    Are these assholes grown adult men? Tell them to stay the fuck away from your work or you will get them thrown out of the store.
  12. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    We had a wack-job TL in PFresh who would get all wet-shorts about a new cheese product. He'd prance the aisle waving a block of some imported cheese telling us how good it was. An asshole but a marginally pleasant asshole.
  13. C

    Smart Balance formula change

    Has anyone noticed the consistency? Hard, crumbly, impossible to spread. A few years ago it was oily, wet, and watery. I'm looking for something different, a non butter substitute. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  14. C

    Got a final warning for being quick changed/scammed/short changed at the register

    Excellent they had your back. They should have said something earlier. A thief is a thief, treat them all equally.
  15. C

    New team leader who’s very clingy to team members after work.

    H2O retention is exacerbated by the age old favorite BPH. Rednecks get it too and voluminous amounts of ice cold PBR primes the pump. Kinda like the Bernoulli principle referencing bulk and liquid conveyance. (as he cleans the bore of the 'ole Krieghoff.)
  16. C

    New team leader who’s very clingy to team members after work.

    My shorts get clingy if I eat too many potato chips.
  17. C

    Got a final warning for being quick changed/scammed/short changed at the register

    Thumbs up to our friend in the frozen North. Excellent advice.
  18. C


    Couldn't imagine a colonoscopy without full sedation.
  19. C

    Got a final warning for being quick changed/scammed/short changed at the register

    Advice to new cashiers, never ever let anyone fast talk you. Be meticulous, cautious and go as slowly as needed to properly service the customer. If at any time you feel intimidated or confused just pause, stop if necessary and get help. Remember your front end TL, ETL, supervisor or whatever...