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  1. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    During our remodel they added racks to the ceiling in two new areas. However there are no ladders.
  2. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    Supposedly no new remodels got them. Montels are literally set up to save space only if you have to move them every couple of days not every hour. That's why a lot a libraries use them to store books that aren't pulled much.
  3. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    Our back room space got reduced greatly when they remodeled with those idiotic Montel Movable walls.
  4. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    Just yesterday I was looking for an item for a fellow TMs OPU. I didn't find that item but a similar item in a WACO. There were 4 DCPIs in the location but only 1 was located (not the similar one). I then audited the location to correct it. How does something like that show up in the BAI?
  5. Dream Baby

    Technology wishlist

    I actually find one in an aisle last night. It was logged out already. Can it still be pinged if it still has power?
  6. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    I audit a lot but rarely did "all items scanned". If the item is not there I was just audit the location because they might be other items missing. I find it funny that best practices wants only 3 DCPIs a location. Good luck with that.
  7. Dream Baby

    Technology wishlist

    At first I thought the TC58 had better battery life. I then realized it was because the batteries are new!
  8. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    How many of these errors were caused by a TM that wasn't trained properly and is no longer around? Like I mentioned in other threads (regarding priority pull percentages) just telling me I have errors without showing the actual numbers is pointless.
  9. Dream Baby

    Technology wishlist

    Merge Mytime into Workday so I can see my PTO and/or Sick Pay Balance without looking at my last pay stub. Sort my Priority Pulls to show the which are the most under capacity by percentage wise. I realize Priority Pulls are only supposed to trigger at 90% but mine trigger for literally...
  10. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

  11. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    "that's why we don't put heavy items over 6 ft" Our store ignores that all the time. Those high shelves are also case stock ones!
  12. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    Is the BAI just a round about way to audit more locations?
  13. Dream Baby

    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    I will have to remember "Boomer Cellular". 😂 One thing I have noticed is I almost never see the same ATT Rep twice. They probably rotate them around because the reps know that they will never get any sales while at Target.
  14. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    huddles with their teams Since October 2019 I have been to exactly ONE huddle which was about a year ago. When I first started working afternoons would do them a couple of times a week.
  15. Dream Baby

    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    Most nights our Closing TL has to go to Tech frequently because noone is there past 9. Also Closing TL has to unlock vacuums and go to Ulta (which has to be staffed fully according to the contract).
  16. Dream Baby

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    We apparently just started this and naturally the only TL who mentioned this was one I never work with. This TL just happened to see me pulling. Great communication as usual in my store.
  17. Dream Baby

    Team Voice Survey

    I didn't take it. How is it anonymous? Don't you login with your TM number?
  18. Dream Baby

    Team Voice Survey

    I don't remember even being asked about the survey in these past few years. However I probably told them I wouldn't take it since it wasn't anonymous.
  19. Dream Baby

    Team Voice Survey

    I wonder what the survey sample size is based on? Bigger stores should get more surveys.
  20. Dream Baby

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    Maybe because they are perishable.