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  1. C

    Tear up the store I guess

    "Hey asshole (in the parking lot on a windy day) the cart corral is 10 ft away and empty, don't leave your shopping cart out where it can blow into and damage a car you fucking entitled shit head."
  2. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    We had a wack-job TL in PFresh who would get all wet-shorts about a new cheese product. He'd prance the aisle waving a block of some imported cheese telling us how good it was. An asshole but a marginally pleasant asshole.
  3. C

    To That One Guest - II

    There is no shortage of stupid in this country.
  4. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    Years ago Mrs. C and I went to a state park camping area. Found a nice semi secluded spot with dozens of sites open. We grabbed one out by itself, quite nice and secluded. After gathering some firewood and setting up the tent etc we cracked open a cooler full of beer and food. An hour later...
  5. C

    To That One Guest - II

    Never give the public too much credit. They're pigs. Forget where the left it? Surely you jest!
  6. C

    To That One Guest - II

    Tundra with a gun rack in the rear window? Mossberg Model 500? Now y'all are talking!
  7. C

    To That One Guest - II

    Conventional wisdom/method to shake off a tailgater is to tap the brakes a few times, speed up a little so they can pass. Many do many don't. Many are stupid, most are arrogant. Some are both. I often just take a 90 deg turn to another road or parking lot and let the asshole go on their way...
  8. C

    To That One Guest - II

    T120 you nailed it. There are a lot of very narrow semi country roads here, undivided 2 lane double yellow lines. 6.02 x 10 to the 23rd power number of times an entitled prick or prick-ette driving an expensive car/SUV/truck is behind they you will try to run you off the road, crawl up your...
  9. C

    To That One Guest - II

    There are terrible customers everywhere. Rural, midwest, urban, everywhere. Polar opposite to conventional thinking I've seen, been with and witnessed very nice customers in greasy, tough guy, loud and pushy areas of New York City and suburban New Jersey. Hard to demographically differentiate...
  10. C

    To That One Guest - II

    edit cost $100
  11. C

    To That One Guest - II

    At that price it would cause $100 to get the buzz on.
  12. C

    To That One Guest - II

    We used to buy a case of Piels Real Draft beer in Columbia, S.C. for $4.99. I'm lost in the '70s.
  13. C

    To That One Guest - II

    Sticker shock. I wouldn't pay 4 bucks for a mixed drink much less sugar-shit.
  14. C

    To That One Guest - II

    Those fluffy sugary drinks are shit for your health and welfare. How much are they, for a large? 3-4 bucks?
  15. C

    To That One Guest - II

    799 and 798 Credit Karma scores. Good for reduced rates?
  16. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    Cheap art, loosely defined. Andrew Wyeth, Albert Bierstadt, Frederick Remington---true art.
  17. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    That's what sets the Target Bar of Quality Employees so high and makes it so desirable for a career path. Lots of tough guys at the gym roll a wad of Wrigleys around their tobacco stained teeth and that visual is offset by excessively absurd tats that cost thousands of $$$'s they don't have. A...
  18. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    TTOTM chewing gum is a vile and disgusting habit and should be banned from the sales floor. We had one slob who would chew constantly while speaking with customers/guest as the case was. Never cared for the term Guests. It projects a very sloppy unprofessional appearance.
  19. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    Be discreet, be fast, check without saying anything, divert a potential conversation with some idle neutral bullshit, take their money "have a nice afternoon" them ad nauseum.
  20. C

    To that one Team Member - II

    The corporation has no balls.