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  1. S

    Archived Failed steritech visit

    As long as steritech doesn't actually shut you down (happened to us once; broken water heater which meant we couldn't sanitize properly), you'll be okay. Take the criticals they gave you and figure out how to fix it. I believe a red visit means you are likely to get another visit before your...
  2. S

    Archived Feed u.s.a.

    At least most of the product is actually cute, unlike most of the other special promotions they've had. I will probably get some when it goes down a bit more.
  3. S

    Archived So, I'm a Foodie..

    Never tried sprite on the hot dog roller, but I was taught to lay down wet paper towels on the flat part right after I turn it off, and keep spraying it with sanitizer to keep it wet. Let it SOAK for a good ten minutes and the stuff slides off. That's the thing about the grease; it comes off...
  4. S

    Archived cashiers and walkies.

    Our store is a C Volume and we never have more than one dedicated GSA/GSTL scheduled at a time. When they need their breaks or lunches, another TL from the floor will cover them.
  5. S

    Archived Our red phones at Target

    You have to wait. Pick up the phone. As soon as you hear "Welcome to Target" (which will take about two seconds), hit # and then 2280 or whatever numbers they gave you. The line will connect, but at my store, you have to wait three or four seconds to start talking because it doesn't hook up...
  6. S

    Archived So we now have no time clocks at my store!!!

    Hmm. I wouldn't mind if we had this at my store. They moved all of our equipment to the fitting room awhile ago which is clear on the other side of the store from the time clock, so it means that if I'm working in pFresh at the end of my shift, I have to cross the store twice on my way out. If I...
  7. S

    Archived Store falling apart

    The TPS at this store just had a plain ol' Segway, not a fancy scooter. At our store, TPS has nuthin'. ;)
  8. S

    Archived Pfresh without alcohol?

    Or knock over a couple bottles of sangria with milk crates because that stupid endcap is at just the right level to get swiped every time you push milk. :p Smelled good, though.
  9. S

    Archived P-Fresh Resize

    Yeah, doesn't the stuff gotta breathe? We have open coolers in the horseshoe area and closed coolers along the back wall and the aisles.
  10. S

    Archived Pfresh without alcohol?

    My store has the works. To those who don't have to set wine endcaps, count your blessings. :p
  11. S

    Archived Do you get your red and khaki pressed?

    ...laundry (which was at least once a week). I even had two so I could swap them out when they got dirty. But a few of my coworkers never washed their aprons; in fact I'm pretty sure at least one apron was never washed in the entire 1.5 years I worked there. The thing was practically stiff...
  12. S

    Archived P-Fresh Resize

    Not all p-Freshes; I heard about 400 got the transition? We had ours last month. I don't really pay attention to dry market since I don't work in that section, but I DO like how the perishables turned out. It's nice to have more space for yogurt (means less to fill when yogurt goes on sale which...
  13. S

    Archived Do you get your red and khaki pressed?

    Ha, I'm lucky if my clothes aren't wrinkled from pulling them out of the dryer two days after I originally dried 'em. :p
  14. S

    Archived Alcohol and Group Sales

    It may vary by state to state. In my state, if a group is together and you have reason to believe that the alcohol is to be shared or that they are pooling money, you're to card everyone. If one person can't provide valid ID, you call the GSTL over to refuse the sale.
  15. S

    Archived Produce

    Culling is when you go through every bit of produce on the floor and check for bad ones...mold, damage, bruises, etc. And TPC is the acronym for Temporary Price Cut. For meat and produce, each store creates their own TPC for product that is about to expire or will go bad, or they simply need to...
  16. S

    Archived Ever hear of this happening?

    ^^ I've started doing that. I didn't used to (paper schedule was, and still is, easier for me to use to transcribe my schedule onto my calender) but my shifts are very regular now and I really only need a photo verification copy for any slight changes, so I just take a picture now. I make sure I...
  17. S

    Archived Sabotage?

    Yeah, I got "busted" once because I used to tack on my restroom visits after my break and lunch and I was perceived as taking too long. When you cashier and all your breaks are mapped out on a very specific schedule, it's hard to have any leeway! In the future, make sure communication with your...
  18. S

    Archived Pets Reinvention

    Ha. For SF, we have 2 GSTL's, 1 Softlines TL, Hardlines TL, Electronics TL and CTL.
  19. S

    Archived Crying at Target .... Good / Bad / ...?

    When one of our TMs came in to tell us that her cancer was in remission, there was a lot of happy tears that day.
  20. S

    Archived Instocks question

    How does your Instocks team handle dairy? Maybe it's just my store and the fact that they can never remember that the majority of dairy is vendor, but one of our instocks TM's was fussing at me today because some of our vendor dairy was showing up on her drastic count report. :p I mean, I know...