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  1. Baristar

    Archived The Fast, Fun, and Friendly Target of the 90's

    I'm not saying I doubt you, but this sounds like something out of a dream. I have a lot of respect for people who make a living with Spot, but my weekend work at Target has really only encouraged me to try harder in college so I can get a job in my major. If things were more like how they were...
  2. Baristar

    Archived Target Signs Brief Supporting Marriage Equality Anyone find it a funny coincidence that this happens right after Brian Cornell takes over as CEO? Maybe he's a more open-minded man than Gregg.
  3. Baristar

    Archived STL at...25?!? (rant)

    At my store, we just got a new ETL-GE. When she introduced herself to me, she claimed she'd worked with another company "for a long time," but she looks like she cannot be much older than 25. This past weekend, my state had a Tax-Free Weekend on many items for back-to-school shopping, and the...
  4. Baristar

    Archived Drinks on the Floor?

    One of the GSAs at my store has gotten permission to requisition Starbucks drinks for cashiers who get a certain amount of Red Cards. We're doing amazing on Red Cards now.
  5. Baristar

    Archived Food cafe/ave to Starbucks renovation/transition thread

    We NEED that at our store so badly. We've had times where either FA or SB is overstaffed and the other has one person running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I've been dragged over to try to help at FA, but I can't even figure out how to use their register. I wish we had more hours...
  6. Baristar

    Archived So How did Black Thurs. Go For You?

    Couldn't have said it better myself, man.
  7. Baristar

    Archived Food cafe/ave to Starbucks renovation/transition thread

    That's crazy! My Starbucks TL opened the unit at our store 9 years ago after they took out the Taco Bell where she was working.
  8. Baristar

    Archived What type of store do you work in?

    All the Targets I've been to have their Starbucks and Cafe side-by-side. That must make the plumbing harder.
  9. Baristar

    Archived Are DTL's being phased out?

    Saw my DTL for the first time at Black Thursday opening. She can't be older than 30. Goes well with my new STL, who looks like she's 25 (I find myself very attracted to her, but I haven't interacted with her much yet).
  10. Baristar

    Archived So How did Black Thurs. Go For You?

    We had a new STL coming from a much lower volume store (from what I've heard), and I feel like we get new a new ETL-HR every 6 months, but our store has had very low turnover where it counts in the 2.5 years I've been there, so we rocked it. The DTL was there at opening on Thursday to supervise...
  11. Baristar

    Archived Spot Announces 8PM opening (Confirmed with Associated Press)

    I'm working 7:30 p.m. - 5 a.m., then 3-11 on Friday. I volunteered for a double because unlike most of my coworkers at Starbucks, I live less than 5 minutes from the store.
  12. Baristar

    Archived New Cashier Questions... get Red Cards, they will become your best friends. They'll small talk with you, make sure you get good working registers, and quickly begin grooming you to become one of them. Bottom line: they don't give a **** whether your score is green or not. Just push Red Cards like a used-car salesman.
  13. Baristar

    Archived Holiday or corporate

    ...Target corporate homepage, where I got to read all about how HQ has had 50 days of casual dress to celebrate Target's 50 years, and all about the holiday celebrations they were going to have. All I could do was turn around to the other TM in the room and say "Why the **** can't we work there?"
  14. Baristar

    Archived Target's Anti Union Video

    I worked in a grocery store chain while a member of a union, and we got annual guaranteed cost of living raises of $0.25. Pretty nice, and I'm impressed that they managed to accomplish that in Virginia, where the conservative hegemony has neutered unions.
  15. Baristar

    Archived Seriously? Cutting hours in the last week of the busiest month of the year?

    That sounds like a strange my store, we had at least 1-2 extra shifts per day (besides the normal opening, mid, close) at peak times to help deal with it. Of course they drastically cut our hours after Christmas, but HR people overshot it, since I've been called in 4 times in the...
  16. Baristar

    Archived Starbucks in you store

    In general at my Starbucks, unless we're working with another person, we just don't take breaks. There's a semi-decent number of people in our store who are trained for it, but we're usually made to feel extremely guilty if we have to go bother them to watch the place. I always make sure to take...
  17. Baristar

    MEGATHREAD Target Talk (Definitions)

    At my store we usually call that giving somebody the "turn-around" (you go home, and turn around to come back a few hours later). I like that term a lot better, though.
  18. Baristar

    Archived Should I Feel Good?

    I think you'd be hard-pressed to find many of our generation who believe that. We're just gonna slave away paying off student debt, and social security for our elders that we will never receive. America's golden age is over, and the millennials are going to be left with the foreclosed remains.
  19. Baristar

    Archived Expiration Dates

    Our Starbucks pulls nearly all of its milk directly from the floor, and we use a ton. I think the dairy department lets us do this because we've been drilled to use FIFO, and thus milk never expires on the floor.
  20. Baristar

    Archived Target stores open until 9pm on christmas EVE!?

    Ha, the sign on our store's door said we were closing at 7PM Christmas Eve even though we closed at 9. They didn't change it until the 23rd.