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  1. S

    Archived Rudeness at Food Ave

    We've had them for ages, but we don't use them. Pain in the bahookie. :p
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Some people show up obscenely early because they don't have their own transportation and have to rely on others who often can't adjust their schedule very well. We had a former TM that got driven to work by his sister so he was always in the building at a certain hour regardless of what time he...
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    Archived Come on now...

    I buy stuff for my mom and I usually try and split the purchases up because it's so much easier to account for the money that way and I don't forget how much belongs to her and how much belongs to me. When you don't actually work your receipts until a few weeks after the fact (whoops), the item...
  4. S

    Archived I hate it when...

    On the bright side, I'd get really skinny because I wouldn't be able to afford food, let alone junk food! :p
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    Archived I hate it when...

    Holy crap. I'm never moving to Alaska.
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To the new Backroom TM...I'm pretty easy-going (I think), but I'm about to talk to your TL about you. You're driving me up the freakin' wall. You leave trash everywhere, leave carts EVERYWHERE (doesn't even pull them out of the freezer/cooler after you finish backstocking; just leaves them there...
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    To that one guest

    Hey, at least she was expressing an effort to try and help. They usually make it worse but I do at least acknowledge that the guest attempted to help instead of just walking off without a second glance (oh, it happens SO MUCH).
  8. S

    Archived Gross Stories

    Uuuuughhhhhghhhh. NASTY. We're coming up on it being a year since our store had a massive power outage that resulted in losing every single blessed perishable we had, so I know I'll never find anything THAT old, but I still find some doozies when doing Freshness Friday in dry market. It's...
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Is it bad that the only reason why I friended a few coworkers on FB is exactly for that reason? When they call out, I enjoy knowing the real reason. :p
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    To that one guest

    Yeah...sorry but if we're closed, we're closed. If I still have food out and you're REALLY nice I might let you buy it, but out of the trash can or make it from scratch? NUH UH.
  11. S

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    I have caught BR condensing carts of backstock and push in the dairy cooler and freezer...very frustrating. I've been working long enough in Market that I can tell when it's error (i.e. should have been subt9999) and when it's just laziness. Grr.
  12. S

    To that one guest

    To the person put ice cream in the dairy suck. To the person who put a Monster in the freezer, you also suck. And to the person who left ice cream on the floor in Market, you ALSO suck. Can you tell it's been a sucky day? lol!
  13. S

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    What, the salads? No, because it moves and because it's clearly marked and frequently gone through. To my understanding (and correct me if I'm wrong) SDA is to "tag" items that don't move quickly, doesn't get culled daily, might get forgotten, and/or will likely have backroom locations when it...
  14. S

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Interesting. We'll do that if we have ton of meat that is just sitting, but generally I don't QMOS a lot of meat out. Once it goes to coupon, it gets snatched up pretty quickly. Well, not drumsticks. Nobody wants those. Or flank steak. :p The only time I run into QMOS'ing problems is when...
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Annoying, huh? But but him/her a leeeeetle slack; I know some people who would leave the most passive-aggressive "general" notes in the communication log when we ALL knew it was meant for one person. It's a fine line that you have to walk, for sure. Btw, as a fellow PA, I'm curious as to what...
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    Archived Best Guest Ever.

    That is adorable, lol. I wish she'd come and help me out! ;)
  17. S

    To that one guest

    ...flats. If they need something rolled around, we do it for them (I'm assuming this is company wide policy for liability reasons). If we run out of regular carts, too bad so's not like I can exactly stop you from bringing in a cart from the department store next door, anyway. :p *whistles*
  18. S

    To that one guest

    Speaking of, the other day I got a call from the front lanes to bring up fifteen gallons of distilled MP water. I was like, I did. And then promptly got sent back for more by the guest because a few of the ones I'd brought were "dented". No apology for the inconvenience, no thanks for...
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    To that one guest

    I didn't memorize my SSN until I started putting in job applications when I was 19. Before that, I had no idea what my SSN was and it was really awkward when I'd do the occasional Election Judging and had to call my dad to hunt the card down so I could put my info in to get paid, lol. Nowadays...
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    Archived funniest moments at work?

    I didn't witness this, but I wish I had. Apparently back before I started working as a PA, our now-gone PA and two TL's decided to play a prank on the other PA. They cleaned out the space underneath the meat scale in the ambient room and one of them got inside, and when she was standing there...