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  1. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Yeah no way would they just schedule anyone on Xmas. My store does a Christmas Day shift but it is strictly volunteers only along with our STL.
  2. Doglover89

    To that one guest

    Standing in front of girls' sleepwear... Guest: I'm looking for girls' pajamas, size six. Me: *looks at rack of pink and yellow fluffy Beauty & the Beast and Troll pjs* They are right here. Guest: These are girls? Umm, ok. *starts to look through racks* Me: *now has back to guest* New tm...
  3. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Haha, I definitely wouldnt ask something like that over channel one. We get a lot of prank callers- of all ages. We had an older lady say something about condoms (not sure of specifics) that really embarrassed one of my older coworkers, to the point where she had to walk away to calm down.
  4. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    A story a tm told the other night made me laugh. Someone called on the phone to ask if we carried sex toys and she actually got on the walkie to ask if we had a "sex section." The LOD then told her to go to 4, and to hang up the phone because it was a prank caller. So ttom: why wouldn't you know...
  5. Doglover89

    To that one guest

    I wasn't even in market and... Older lady: where are your canned beans?? I found only one can and I never heard of this kind! Me: *checks mydevice then walks guest to aisle* Older lady: OK, now I need to find those beans... Me: Ma'am, what type of beans were you looking for? Older lady: Well...
  6. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOHR: Kindly let this new tm who doesnt want 40 hours to get 20-25ish like they want. Please. So they don't leave. Thanks.
  7. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOLOD: What the heck? Another tm and I are scheduled under price accuracy today to get a jumpstart on the workload due to the holiday. Sees that it says "0" under price accuracy and wants to know if we can be given something to do since we had no work. Umm...we were there for TOMORROW'S price...
  8. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To those leaders: What in the world? Me to TL with only a few minutes left in my shift: This table's looking light. If I pull some product, can (tm) push it? TL: Sure. (Tm) probably isn't doing anything anyway. Love it.
  9. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTO new market TM: At first I thought you were irritating for getting in my face like HEY! the past two times you've seen me in the backroom. But you have a great attitude and seem like an awesome addition to the team. The CTL seems to really like you. Thank you so much for offering to help me...
  10. Doglover89

    To that one guest

    TTOG: Did you really tell our HRTM to suck your d**k because said we had an item we were actually out of? Dang.
  11. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To those leaders: Scheduling just me and my friend until 1pm in SL? Really? Well we'll just magically be able to do price change, cover phone breaks, push truck, help guests, etc :rolleyes:
  12. Doglover89

    To that one guest

    Yeah you're right. I was exhausted from clopening and its not an excuse but I'm just tired of people making a mess. Yeah, its my job to pick up a stray item here and there or to fold a table, but kids or adults throwing piles of newer merchandise onto the floor for no reason pisses me off.
  13. Doglover89

    To that one guest

    So I kinda lost it after a clopening shift the other day and flipped out on a guest and her kid for making a mess. Damn did the guest get pissed. She had her back to her kid (3 years old?) while shopping and the kid proceeded to take a bunch of clothing off a rack and after it was piled on the...
  14. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Saturday night and Doglover is operator... Caller: my name is so and so and I'm a new hire in SFS and my other job and my scheduleee.... I can't make my training shift... Me: LOD, call on 2280. A few hours later, same tm calls back with more to add to the story. LOD is walking by the fitting...
  15. Doglover89

    To that one guest

    TTOG: You were looking for work pants for your daughter. We were standing next to an A New Day display, so I showed you one of their styles first (they start at size 2 for those who don't know). Guest says my daughter's 18! Dont they come smaller? I told you they don't and then showed you a...
  16. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTL: You are really good at what you do, and I'd love to be on your team. Don't let 'em tell you that your current performance will mean you won't get the opportunity to become an ETL. You'd be a great one.
  17. Doglover89

    To that one guest

    ...afternoon @ Doglover's A-volume Target on a busy main road somewhere in the US of A) GSA: Doglover, please come to the front lanes for backup. Me: *turns on light and before the GSA can direct someone, a woman and her daughter come up and stop right when they reach the edge of my belt...
  18. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTL: Stop saying things like "Doglover's a genius" and asking tms to check with me instead when they ask you a question. You make me uncomfortable when you do those things. To those leaders: Please deal with this annoying tm. No one can stand this person, but yet you like to take their side...
  19. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Apparently the STL says the new crop of SL/style/whatever folks are not up to par... To those tms: GOOD. Two of you absolutely have major drawbacks, and the third I haven't worked with enough to form an opinion yet. There was a stool at the fitting room for a tm with a sprained ankle. That does...
  20. Doglover89

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTLs: When leadership asks me or another tm to help out another workcenter for a few hours or w/e, we have to listen to them. They are in charge. Its not always thrilling for us to be shunted back and forth, but it is what it is. Don't blame us, blame the LODs who tell us where to go and what...