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  1. Black Sheep 214

    Goodbye Target!

  2. Black Sheep 214

    Farewell ✌️

  3. Black Sheep 214

    Farewell, Spot!

  4. Black Sheep 214

    Bye bye Target

  5. Black Sheep 214

    Did I have stockholm syndrome?

    Sorry you had to go through that, glad that your new job is so much better. Congratulations on your new job and getting out of that miserable Target rat hole!
  6. Black Sheep 214

    Thanks Spot, the "love-hate" relationship is officially over

    Enjoy your retirement! You have earned it!
  7. Black Sheep 214

    I'm officially retiring from Spot.

    🎉🥂😁All the Best! Enjoy your retirement!😁🍻🎉
  8. Black Sheep 214

    I Quit Target

  9. Black Sheep 214

    Did I make a mistake

    Could you get fired for this? No. Could it give your SD the idea that you will bolt for greener pastures in a nanosecond, leaving him in the lurch and that it might be wise for him to performance you out and replace you with someone who a) isn’t looking for another job and b) doesn’t tell...
  10. Black Sheep 214

    Goodbye, and Good Riddance, Spot!

    Good luck on your interview, hope you get the job and get out of that hellhole!
  11. Black Sheep 214


    Poetic justice at its finest.😁
  12. Black Sheep 214

    Put My Two Weeks In Yesterday.....

    Best of luck to you!