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  1. NachtMusik

    Archived Does your store have meetings?

    We used to have daily huddles at 8am, but we haven't had one in a long time. Not since they called us all together to tell us about the new starting wage, afaik. My team will have brief huddles if the leads need to tell us something as a team, but other than that... *gestures*
  2. NachtMusik

    Who recently quit at your store?

    My TL's last day was yesterday, I'll miss him. And apparently the most senior sfs guy (idk if that's a department that actually has a lead?) just walked out.
  3. NachtMusik

    Archived Do you miss...

    I miss the cafe... or at least being able to get food and drinks that isn't overpriced Starbucks. Definitely miss clear raceways. Gawd I HATE having all that crap in the middle of the aisles, it looks so cluttered and cheap imo. I'm on the fence about the music. On the one hand we play the same...
  4. NachtMusik

    Archived TL's who oversee Beauty.

    There are TLs just for beauty? Maybe my store is too small...afaik we've never had such a thing.
  5. NachtMusik

    Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

    The leads always tell our usual thrower that they'll switch him out if he gets tired, but he always just does the whole truck. Mind you, we only get like 1500 pieces on average, but still. I dunno how he does it, he's kind of a wimpy dude. I'd die in there. Too hot, too much bending and pulling...
  6. NachtMusik

    Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

    My ETL was like, "they're supposed to be getting better about sorting them!" I gave him a Super Stink Eye and was like mmhmm, I'll believe that when I see it. But apparently the playground stuff is like, supposed to be coming with the stationery. It used to come with softlines, which I suppose...
  7. NachtMusik

    Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

    I was right, the fancy u-boats did make pushing a lot easier. However, having heavy black repacks full of notebooks and planners on the top tier (basically above my head because I am short) is kind of a pisser. Why has dollar Bullseye's Playground junk started coming in the stationery repacks...
  8. NachtMusik

    Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

    ...But we also have that mysterious payroll surplus you mentioned so we've been letting our softlines start with the rest of the unload this week. *repastes from other thread* We just got our new u-boats yesterday and today (there were u-boats everywhere when I left, all in the fire tunnel and...
  9. NachtMusik

    MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

    We get 7 trucks a week, around 1200-1500 each... we're usually done with the unload by 7:30 or 7:45. Most of flow goes home at 2 and we're usually done by then. We just got our new u-boats yesterday and today (there were u-boats everywhere when I left, all in the fire tunnel and clogging the...
  10. NachtMusik

    Archived Holiday Hiring Open House 2018?

    Gawd how is it already time to start hiring seasonal again? The last of the the bottom barrel scrapings we hired last Q4 just put in his two weeks (dunno why we kept him this long... desperation, I guess), now we get too look forward to a whole new crop of idiots.
  11. NachtMusik

    Archived Your account has been disabled

    Haha if I was fired I dunno whose hours the time clock was counting. My ghost, I suppose. OMG I'M BACK IN! I called HROC and she said my password had expired... I'd just changed my password like three days before this all happened (and had successfully logged in with the new password for at...
  12. NachtMusik

    Archived Your account has been disabled

    Sorry, what's HROC? When I try to log in to eHR the exact terminology used is "clients credentials have been revoked." When I try to log into a device I'm pretty sure it says "account disabled." (not 100% sure on this, since I don't have one in front of me to check) The person on the help line...
  13. NachtMusik

    MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

    I don't actually know about any other teams other than flow and backroom, since that's all I've done for the last too-many-years, but that's just what I was told all those years ago. I guess my store just has enough cashiers... or not enough guests... and enough salesfloor(?) TMs because we've...
  14. NachtMusik

    MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

    At my store flow and backroom TMs are not even register trained (unless they ask to be crosstrained, which to my knowledge, no one has). I haven't heard a call for backup in a long time, come to think of it... but we've always been told that's not our responsibility, our responsibility is to...
  15. NachtMusik

    Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

    Oh, that's relieving to hear!
  16. NachtMusik

    Playing Music In Target?

    You sure that's the original version you're hearing? I only ever hear Weezer's cover. It's a decent cover, but the original is better. And so is Ninja Sex Party's.
  17. NachtMusik

    Archived Red to gray.

    I love that haha. When they started painting the walls gray and TMs were like, what the hell? I said, "They're painting it all gray. You know, like the color of our souls." Personally I think it's ugly (and so is the brown exterior), and for a company that's all about "being brand" it seems very...
  18. NachtMusik

    Archived Your account has been disabled

    ...account reset link... Edit: I couldn't find the reset link, but I called csc again and the messages had changed. It says they're aware of the issue (the guy mumbled exactly what issue so I couldn't quite understand it) and are working on fixing it... so maybe I just need to wait... *rolls eyes*
  19. NachtMusik

    Archived How Many People Do You Have In Beauty At A Time?

    Just one. On some days there's someone who comes in later, but when the second person comes in the first one usually goes and does other things (like presentation type stuff). I don't think we have any rewards for selling more. Maybe we used to? but not for a long time.