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  1. D

    Insta post. Check it out

    I like the fact that he at least advocated for guests putting things back the way they found it, hopefully some people listen.
  2. D

    Our store music not the most family friendly at times.

    Tons of Taylor Swift. And you know what, I wouldn't mind it.
  3. D

    Goodbye Target!

    It's so sad. I remember it used to be common to have one person zoning baby, one person zoning seasonal, and 2 people in tech. Now, one person has to zone baby and seasonal and cover tech during breaks because they never have more than one person there.
  4. D

    Goodbye Target!

    Yeah they don't seem to run it that often. Either that or it's broken. Those outdoor thermometers we sell always has the dial showing at least 80 degrees on hot days.
  5. D

    Goodbye Target!

    Turnover itself isn't going to kill Target. But now the issue we have is long time employees are quitting, and those roles aren't being filled in. I don't know if they're intentionally not filling the roles to save payroll or if no one is applying, but either way, customer service is going...
  6. D

    Pride collection

    I'm not going to get into a back and forth argument with anyone, but I'm just going to say how I personally feel. I've always thought that if someone is living their life in a way that brings them happiness and joy, I have no right to judge them as long as they're not hurting anybody. It's none...
  7. D

    Goodbye Target!

    Once all the loyal team members leave is when Target really starts to go down the tubes. They say employees in retail are replaceable, but eventually no one's going to continue working. I've never seen new employee turnover so bad. Customer service will suffer as a result and people will stop...
  8. D

    Are the self-checkouts at your store "ten items or less." now?

    Yes lol. With Walmart+
  9. D

    Goodbye Target!

    I will continue checking in. I'll always have a soft spot for Target, it was my first job out of high school, and interacting with customers has help me conquer some of my anxiety and shyness. Retail's also taught me a lot of about how not to act like an asshole with some of the things I've put...
  10. D

    Goodbye Target!

    Thanks everyone. I've been trying to quit for a while, but I've been waiting for the right opportunity. I have an information systems major, and I was able to find a civil service IS job for a school district, with opportunities for promotions after 1 year.
  11. D

    Goodbye Target!

    I just put my 2 weeks in today. Almost 11 years, it somehow felt long and like it flew by at the same time. New job is almost official, it's just a matter of negotiating salary at this point. June 10th is my first day. Hours will be Monday-Friday 8am-3:30pm, with lots of holidays off since I'll...
  12. D

    Pride collection

    I haven't even seen pride stuff out yet. And I'm in a liberal area, there's no way my store isn't doing it.
  13. D

    Technology wishlist

    Oh how about a Zebra with RFID technology built in? How haven't they invented that yet?
  14. D

    To That One Guest - II

    To that one guest: Hey, thanks for bringing your dog in the store only for it to puke all over the floor in front of guest services! A couple kids stepped right in it, that was fun to deal with complaining parents! Take your dog out of Target and bring it to the vet, and keep it home and outside!
  15. D

    Technology wishlist

    Search on myDay is HORRIBLE right now. You can type in something common and it'll return 0 results. This happens with a lot of video games I've noticed. I can see the advantages of a messaging app, but this could backfire too with people being bothered during their break. That's why I've never...
  16. D


    Thank god we're not expecting them in my area. I'm more worried about spotted lanternflies again.
  17. D

    Smart Balance formula change

    It’s not a spread, but I use I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spray sometimes. But just because it’s easy to spray on things like veggies, not for health reasons lol. I wish there was such thing as sprayable butter, but butter solidifies when it’s cold of course.
  18. D

    Team Voice Survey

    I commented during my review how we don't have enough workers on the floor, so my answers regarding workload and resources might give it away. But I don't care at this point.
  19. D

    Team Voice Survey

    I was brutally honest this year
  20. D

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Members (PG35/38)

    2.5%. A little bummed, but it is what it is. I'll be gone soon anyway. I I'm nearing the home stretch for a civil service job I applied and interviewed for. Also, I haven't actually gotten a review yet but found the raise on Workday