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  1. O

    Archived Things you MISS from Target

    Can I get an order of nachos...? French fries...? Chicken tenders...? I guess I'll go find something in market...
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    Archived Returns!!!

    That means someone has to bag all of those ESIM waste products too, hopefully not when the defective system is not offline either. It is time-consuming, but so is returning five full bags of razors. It is also less amusing when they want to return items one at a time, so they can cash out the...
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    Archived Does anyone else's store have

    an almost empty watch section in accessories? I think all our cheap clearance jewelry has been cleared out too. LOL Target :lazy:
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    Archived bags on a roll?!

    Maybe Guest Services can do something with it? I can't imagine space for them in the regular store registers.
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    Archived Forcing Team Members to sit in the break-room on their 30 minute break?

    You know, I saw a recent Front End Headline on Workbench that readdressed this particular issue. Very peculiar... :superstition:
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    Archived Getting stung by walkies.

    Not a walkie, but one time I saw this PDA that actually had the pen attachment in the hole at the bottom of the handle. I don't think I ever saw it again after that day.
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    Archived Gift cards

    Sure did love those cupcake GiftCards. Always had to take a whiff!
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    Archived Price Matching and Promotions

    I was helping the Guest Service Desk and I observed a confusing transaction where a guest was buying one of those Skylander video game box things. After asking the GSTM later, my understanding is that the item was something like $69.99 and the guest wanted to price match some store (I think...
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    Archived Is Target any better than Wal-Mart?

    Team Orangered and Team Periwinkle! Upvotes for Target, Downvotes for Wal-Mart!
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    Archived Archer Farms Yogurt

    Some guests would always be picky about the quantity of the grains. It's like don't you already have enough nuts to stuff yourself with?? :huh: Can I get an ooooorder of naaacchhoooosss...?
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    Archived Archer Farms Yogurt

    Makes me miss those Yogurt Parfaits that were made with prepackaged stuff and love from Cafe.
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    Archived Favoritism?

    Performance out Person 1 because they're getting paid too much. Hire two people with no work experience at minimum wage to replace Person 1 and fill in the promotion spot. It would be preferred they are young kids in school, because they will call out more and we will save payroll hours. Person...
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    Archived Fraudulent Coupons and Recalls

    Definitely, that blanket statement could potentially allow stores to turn away any coupons. Especially since it doesn't mention there has to be a reason they can refuse a coupon, just that they have the right to. Just all those bad coupon guests out there that make it hard for the other guests...
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    Archived New Card Readers

    ...the finger smudge that makes the pen not work at all. It may be confirmation bias, but I swear guests always end up doing the thing that doesn't work on that reader. "Try using your finger, the pen doesn't work on this particular card reader." "OK" *pounds at the card reader with pen* :gamer3:
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    Archived Fraudulent Coupons and Recalls be used if the coupon isn't scanning, like some of the double stacked coupon barcodes or bottle caps. But find me a GSTL/GSA that allows that... :mosking: And recalls can be a pain when guests bring in certain items *coughcribstrollerscough* that have been out of the system for a while.
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    Archived #1 Trending on Yahoo Homepage

    I sure do hate goofy names for colors. Why can't it just be light/medium/dark grey or just gray. Because all manatees are the same, one solid and distinct color. :fool:
  17. O

    Archived Discount Policy

    You can't use your TM discount if you pay with a Target VISA/AmEx Gift Card, because it is essentially a credit card with the logo and is even run through as a credit. That is part of why they cannot be paid with by a regular Target GiftCard, because the regular Gift Card can't be used to...
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    Archived How accepting of diversity are people at your store?

    Yes, our store is very happy to employ diversity in sex/gender, sexual orientation, age, race/ethnicity, language and unfortunately in intelligence levels (if we do hire a monkey, I might not even notice).
  19. O

    Archived Please help me understand why Target pushes Redcards so much

    ^Definitely gets them around any Visa/MC/AmEx merchant rules and fees. Brand Loyalty also means that people who have a Red Card in their wallet or purse, will more likely shop at Target than another competing store. Which then leads to the whole paying more because it is a card. Easy to swipe...
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    Archived The official Photo thread

    Sounds like my store! Stuff is randomly fixed one day without warning and no one really has an answer to who fixed it. Just that it works now! Now if someone could fix that book/calendar machine thing, that would be great.