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  1. T

    Archived Guests throwing their full handbaskets at you to dig in.

    I love the guests who grab a handbasket and then proceed to just stuff it and come to my lane. I grab the breakables and squishables and then tip it. I had a guest ask what the hell I thought I was doing. Since I was frustrated (supposed to be prepping ad, had been at work for four hours...
  2. T

    Archived The official I hate my boss thread

    My management complaint: I get scheduled a certain number of hours a week for ad. My TL schedules me for exactly 8 hours over what the projected timing is for prep for the week (so I can do endcaps on Sunday). This would definitely not be an issue, except for the fact that I know food ave, the...
  3. T

    Archived The official I hate my boss thread

    My SL ETL has been here for two years, but we've had 6 GEs in 4 years. On Monday, it will be #7. Our latest blonde cheerleader just got promoted.
  4. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    This is a really old story (almost 5 years), but this jogged my memory. One of my first cashier shifts ever, a guest handed me a folded up piece of paper. Thinking it was trash - because I am a human-shaped trash can, apparently - I just tossed it. The guest looked really confused and kept...
  5. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To the cashier who either calls in or leaves early almost every shift: stop it! When you show up, you are one of the hardest workers I have. I can't send all my cashiers out to zone because I'll never see them again, but you actually pay attention to the lanes. Please stop ditching, you haven't...
  6. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    I have to agree. I hate when people come in and tell me they used to (or still do) work for Target and know how things work.
  7. T

    To that one guest

    "It might make her butt look big."
  8. T

    Archived Nearly taken out by a Scooter!

    Love this! The kids who shop my store seem to lose IQ points when they shop in groups. They turn into rude little beasts who need to pull up their pants or wear shirts that actually fit. Grrrrrr...some people's kids.
  9. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To my opening cart attendant: I love the fact that you feel comfortable enough to be your uncensored self around me. But telling me that you feel as though you are going to revisit breakfast during major backup, while I'm speed weaving, and helping guests put their bags in the carts was not a...
  10. T

    Archived Nearly taken out by a Scooter!

    I had a regular actually hit me with one when we first opened our store. It was about 3 years ago, but I still remember that I was working a pull in dog food. Apparently I was in the way. She hit me (and this was when the smart karts were brand new, so they had speed), I went down, stayed down...
  11. T

    Archived Another classic return

    Oh, he picks on everyone. :) And ap215, he was TRYING to return the items. He never actually got to. :) :) :)
  12. T

    Archived Fine, I'll just go to (insert other store here)

    My closing GS TM had a guest say that we were being unfair because we wouldn't price match CVS's ad (which we can't, because most of it says "With Card"). After the guest help up the line for 10 minutes (all of which I was up there backing up for), she said, "Well, then, I'll just go to...
  13. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    ...time or needed breaks at the same time, and tell you to move your caboose. When you came back, I apologized if I sounded snippy. Don't call me a b*tch when my back is turned and think that I won't hear it. I did. And I will remember this the next time you ask to go on break with your...
  14. T

    Archived Another classic return

    I had a service desk shift yesterday (I love those!) and our ebay guy came in. Nobody likes doing returns for him, because he admits he buys things on sale, goes onto ebay and sells them for more than he bought them for, and whatever doesn't sell he returns for cash. He's not using coupons, so...
  15. T

    Archived $8.00 Huggies Coupons!

    Okay...I am the coupon Nazi for my store. That's actually what my frond end team calls me (my GE tells me that I think everyone is trying to scam us, and I usually just smile because she sits in an office most of her shift and doesn't actually deal with the ring of scammers who come into our...
  16. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Wait...he tried to sell YOU a phone?!? That's kinda funny. I'm very grateful for my Mobile guys...they help out in electronics when the TMs are busy. Target Mobile actually got a red card yesterday by pulling his out and talking about it. It's the first one for Target Mobile in my store. :)
  17. T

    Archived Funny conversations

    Hehe! I just spit water on my Nook. That's a giggle moment.
  18. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To my closing team last night - you guys rocks! Both sales floor, my one cashier, and both LODs...thanks for being on a lane all night. It helpedus go 20 over in sales. And on a Monday, too!
  19. T

    Archived "I'm sorry, I'm off the clock"

    I was told it's more, "I'm sorry, I'm off the clock but I can try to find someone who to help you." Never direct them to help buttons, though. Lol
  20. T

    Archived "I'm sorry, I'm off the clock"

    Wait until you get coached for it. I had no problem pointing guests in the right direction; or if I was walking that way, just taking them with me. But then a guest became irate with me because I was heading to the checkout and they wanted me to show them an endcap in electronics. I apologized...