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  1. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    What aspect of it are you referring to? System led audits and greenfield reporting didn't exist. It was not possible to see who had an incorrect AIS unless you manually went thru the list and checked each location visually. System led audit finds baffles in about 50% of generated locations and...
  2. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    Yes, it's true that you could see that before. But because of the improvement in system led backroom audit, you have better information about who did it incorrectly or not.
  3. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    >85 is Green. 80-84.99 is yellow. Less than 80 is red.
  4. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    It looks like it is live. Our score is 85.5. Anyone see anything different?
  5. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    It's the memorial day weekend. I doubt we'll see anything until Tuesday.
  6. Dysprosed

    Has RFID Reject report changed?

    It's working fine for me! Make sure you have the correct time frame selected and that the dataset has updated since your last scan date.
  7. Dysprosed

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    They're less likely to do replenishment maintenance on an individual item than class level. I currently have about 150 eaches of every single type of hair color. I asked them to cut it out, and they claim they're going to send less... we'll see about that
  8. Dysprosed

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    This is a opportunity that they are looking to address by integrating it into existing systems in the future. For now, this is our upgrade from paper copies, filed in an elusive binder.
  9. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    Yes. I see that. I was hoping to avoid double work by having to scan everything twice. So now I know that won't work!
  10. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    I was recently doing a system led backroom audit and came upon Style Hang where there were three backroom location hangers, but only one of them was being used for the whole bar, which is of course, the location I was asked to audit. Seeing an opportunity for correction, and prior to completing...
  11. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    I use a barcode generator. I got the idea after the one that was in the myStore app was decommissioned. I also create private greenfield reports that allow me to display various things I might need barcodes for. Lots of potential for misuse, so I don't tend to share this idea with TMs...
  12. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    You guys make good points, but you're also probably not the team members causing all the problems. It's clearly expressed that the pattern reporting isn't meant to be the end-all-be-all for coaching team members, but rather a starting point for validating the team members training and actions...
  13. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    That's because you've worked in a system that lacked sophisticated root cause reporting. This is a major step in the right direction. Instead of applying band-aids, surfacing the patterns that lead to chaotic backrooms. Of course, it's only as good as the leaders driving accountability to best...
  14. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    I have holding peer sessions with my fellow team leads to teach them about the change and give them tips on how to hold huddles with their teams. It's not up to me to talk to every team member about it, but I'll be damned if their leads say it was because they didn't know.
  15. Dysprosed

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    No. I'm pretty sure it's the SPT team in India who have absolutely no clue what they're doing, in combination with some technology issues involving migration and integration from legacy systems
  16. Dysprosed

    Item numbet

  17. Dysprosed

    Team Voice Survey

    I don't know. For the last 10 years or so, when asked "What one thing, if changed, would make Target a better place to work?" I always answered the same thing, let team members wear shorts. And they did. So in my book, it's all a success and Target is wonderful. 🤣
  18. Dysprosed

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    Okay I guess I may have missed something, but in Mini Seasonal, the POG for the fireworks endcap clearly states that a vendor will come in to set it. Yet weeks after the set, it remains empty... Does anyone know anything that could help me out here. I guess I'll mySupport it, but only like 1 out...
  19. Dysprosed

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    I did this same search this morning and got tons of results. But I'm guessing it corresponds to today's release improving the key word search function.
  20. Dysprosed

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    It's available to everyone.