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  1. happygoth

    Tear up the store I guess

    TTOG: Thank you SO much for trying on about 20 bathing suits at five minutes to close and then leaving them in a heap in the fitting room and waltzing right past me. 🙄 I couldn't help but say something: "Excuse me, you don't want any of these? You're done with this giant pile of clothes? Wow...
  2. happygoth

    Buzzing from the speakers instead of music.

    Thank you! I've been saying this forever lol, saves me the trouble of typing it out this time.
  3. happygoth

    Goodbye Target!

    Floor coverage is a problem for sure. Standards have slipped a lot in the 6 years I've been here. It sucks in some ways but in other ways it doesn't, because with expectations lowered it does put less pressure on TMs, at least in Style. With how hard we get shopped and the little coverage we...
  4. happygoth

    Our store music not the most family friendly at times.

    How much actually family friendly music is there, really? Think about the lyrics to some of the biggest pop hits of the past 40 years. Britney Spears and Janet Jackson alone will have one clutching their pearls.
  5. happygoth

    Goodbye Target!

    Eh, one thing I've noticed about Target is the very high turnover, going all the way to SD. We had a lot of turnover at Sears for sure, but it seemed like there were more long-time employees there. I don't get the sense that Target needs loyal, been-here-forever Team Members to function. I've...
  6. happygoth

    Goodbye Target!

    Don't be a stranger Dannyy! Best of luck to you!
  7. happygoth

    Are the self-checkouts at your store "ten items or less." now?

    I thought you were all for doing away with self-checkout?
  8. happygoth


    Had a couple of them make an appearance in our yard and house last year, far from their home. Freaked me out, didn't know what they were at first. Don't recall ever seeing one in person before. That noise is creepy!
  9. happygoth

    Are the self-checkouts at your store "ten items or less." now?

    They are at my store now too.
  10. happygoth

    Technology wishlist

    I'm confused about the purpose of the list? If I'm pushing reshop and I don't know where something goes, I just scan the item and the info is there. How does having a paper list help?
  11. happygoth

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    I thought that was the old way, and this way is more to find out who actually created the mistake, not the one who found it?
  12. happygoth

    Suggestions to deal with hotwheels guys

    I have no problem with collectors as a whole and I'm not going to be too judgy about what people like, because goodness knows I've spent plenty on several collections over the years - Star Wars trading cards, stuffed cats, MAC Lipglass, gargoyles, nutcrackers, drag queen t shirts - my latest is...
  13. happygoth

    Are they testing me? (Carton Air)

    Stay pressed. 💅
  14. happygoth

    Benefits Desired Hours and Benefits Eligibility

    If you are staying past your scheduled hours to get your work done anyway, how would getting less hours change that? Seems like it is your choice to work too much?
  15. happygoth

    Are they testing me? (Carton Air)

    😄 You joke, but it wasn't too long ago that they wanted us "finger-spacing" the hanging clothes in Style. Thankfully they finally stopped that and just told us to spread the hangers out on the racks, which looks better and makes more sense. What Sears used to call "feathering."
  16. happygoth

    Smart Balance formula change

    Grew up on Parkay. Somewhere along the line Mom made the switch to Country Crock. Only real butter for me thank you, Land O Lakes or Kerrygold.
  17. happygoth

    Prompt asking about breaks.

    I've always hated that people hang out and eat in TSC. They tried to put a stop to it for awhile at my store, but it eventually started up again, though not as bad. To me, it's an office, not a break room, and should be treated as such. People need to use the computers and come in and out to...
  18. happygoth

    Prompt asking about breaks.

    I take my breaks and lunch in my car. For breaks, I look at the time as I'm walking towards the front and set my alarm for 15 minutes. I hit the 5 minute snooze when it goes off. When it rings again I get myself together and walk back in. So probably about 22 minutes altogether.
  19. happygoth

    Prompt asking about breaks.

    Isn't this the kind of thing that will get someone fired or at least written up? Someone didn't pay attention to the Social Media policy training, lol.
  20. happygoth

    Team Voice Survey

    And I did the opposite so I guess we cancel each other out. 🤣