Search results for query: *

  1. Backroom Jesus

    Archived Frustrated over language barriers

    I have to use google translate often (Mandarin). I've had guests come in with horrible quality pictures on their phone of products they've had in China and just say "WHERE?!"
  2. Backroom Jesus

    Archived Backroom Stocking Question

    System doesn't know how many are actually in location. It just knows it "needs" 5. Therefore it will ask to pull 5 regardless of how many are there. If there are 5 and you type 5 it will Y/N you. Hitting Y will then delete that DPCI out of the location because you are telling it that there...
  3. Backroom Jesus

    MEGATHREAD End to End team PILOT

    Lost approx 90 hours a week from BR to the Consumables team. Always being told to do their pulls and backstock (they get around to it maaaaybe 50% of the time). No coincidence that 40-50% of all audit batch locations are in their two aisles ever since E2E. I am dreading Softlines E2E since...
  4. Backroom Jesus

    Archived Stock and Pulls

    Ah, yes. Forgot that one. Water pipos never pull properly. People messing up Y/N, or burning the location improperly is usually what I assume happens.
  5. Backroom Jesus

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Gotta hit them with metrics. That's all they will listen to most of the time.
  6. Backroom Jesus

    Archived Stock and Pulls

    This seems to be a problem with a lot of Targets (I've worked at 3 now). Paper, Pets that comes in on PIPOs, and Diapers. I've worked ON Flow, Instocks and Backroom for 8 years (as both TM and TL in all 3), and I've consistently seen this. SFQ/POG ties/Capacities/On Hands can all be on point...