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    COVID-19 Covid Cases Rising

    How are you all getting texts notifying u of covid cases in your store? That's news to me.
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    COVID-19 Is anyone else's Target enforcing masks?

    Does anyone know if we can wear face shields instead of masks? Do we have a mask dress code?
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    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    The other day I inherited someone's paused cart. It had just a few items left on it and 30 minutes left. Found all items in repacks, with the exception of some clothing hanging from the ceiling. When I finished, i wanted to ask for a raise.
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    COVID-19 Coronavirus...
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    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

    In my opinion, the aim is to stagger cases, to slow the spread. To slow the spread, but not to stop it because stopping it is impossible. But slowing the spread makes it easier to deal with, versus being overwhelmed by cases all at once. Overrunning hospitals compounds the problem.
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    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

    I'm really glad I'm not the only one expecting this. I just want others to be prepared. I don't know why some people can't seem to believe that. When you read about different cities in the U.S. there's a definite pattern. And that's exactly how we make predictions, based on patterns.
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    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

    On my first day back in a while, I immediately notice I am fucking touching everything. I'm touching shit before i even get in the door. I'm looking at the doorbell like it is coronavirus. Then some brave soul answers the door and we are in each others faces. And I go to the office and punch...
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    The Breakroom Memes

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    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

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    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

    Global store closures for Urban Outfitters with automatic pay mkay
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    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

    I vote for moving to business via OPU's only. Minimizing customer contact, employees wear disposable gloves, and employees get tested for virus regularly.
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    Heart rate at work

    Does anyone else wear their heart monitor to work? I do it for fun. Here's my hr from the other day when I was mostly pushing product and zoning and then backstocking at the end. I think it spiked bc I had to climb a ladder. Lol.
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    The Breakroom Memes

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    The Breakroom Memes

    A fresh meme in honor of tomorrow
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    The Breakroom Memes

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    The Breakroom Memes

    It was baaaad all day
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    Sales Floor Ideas to inject Fun into Department Routines

    Pogdog - making work tolerable! Pogdog for President! Wooooo! I don't have any ideas but love the fact that you are taking your DBO's suggestion to heart. I applaud you.
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    Not getting hours

    If you can afford a vacation, now is the time.
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    Seasonal to long term?

    Sorry to be off topic. Anyone else wanting to be angry about flu, please start a new thread and quote me there.
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    Seasonal to long term?

    It's not about importance. Get a grip. It's about my car payment. Can you afford to not work for 2 weeks? If so, I applaud you. Bra-f*cking-vo. Also, I'm sick again. Pretty sure I caught it from a coworker/friend. Am I angry? No. It's just life. People get sick. And the world turns...