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  1. G

    Archived Green pricing score

    Can someone please tell me how to achieve a green pricing score.. I have been digging into my reports and each week it's so different I hit 92% and have no ideal how..
  2. G

    Archived Tuition reimbursement

    I graduated from school in May.. I submitted my reimbursement information but it was late. Is there any way for me to get my reimbursement?
  3. G

    Archived Pricing presentation team leader

    My stl wants me to convert over to the pricing/presentation team leader position can anyone tell me how This position is pros and cons and how you're managing the workload
  4. G

    Archived Dallas market

    I am srtl looking to transfer into the Dallas market can anyone tell me how the market is and how the moral and dustrict and group leaders are?