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  1. Loki

    Archived Curious... Has anyone ever been questioned about this site? By someone at work?

    You caught me. It is I. Brian Cornell. You're all fired.
  2. Loki

    Archived What have you broken at Spot?

    We had a PA drop two crates of milk so about 8 gallons total and it flooded the entire prep room. Other than that 90% of our spills were food related and they all smelled absolutely terrible.
  3. Loki

    Archived Is your store hot?

    At my old store guests were constantly complains about how warm it was in our store. Lucky for us if it ever got to be too much we would just step inside one of the coolers or even the freezer for a split second. Worked like a charm. Its just ridiculous. I remember once for a week there was...
  4. Loki

    Archived Any of you TMs ever had sex with an STL or ETL?

    There was an ETL-AP at my old store who seemed to like to rob the cradle. I knew she was after me even though I was dating my now wife. She would rub my back, stand a bit too close to me during huddles (she always made it a point to stand next to me), and say certain things that made me feel...
  5. Loki

    Archived FunkoPop Bullseye

    I finally found one at my old store and one of my former co-workers told me they'd had them for weeks, but I could find them because some douche was coming in and buying them all probably to sell them on eBay. I'm just happy I waited before going all over hell and creation. Wife is happy so it's...
  6. Loki

    Archived Using my 90 days against me???

    I agree with some other people Target may not be for you if you get tired and almost pass out that easily or perhaps it is an underlying condition you're unaware of. I had a seizure my first day at work, tried to come in the next day and got sent home before I even walked in the door lol If...
  7. Loki

    Archived Is it counted against you if...

    I had something like that happen when I first started working there. I could only work certain hours on Thursday due to my school schedule. Things were peachy until they scheduled me outside of my availability. I told two ETL's each twice meaning I mentioned it 4 times to two different people...
  8. Loki

    Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

    Looks like the backroom at my old store. Makes me almost miss working there.
  9. Loki

    Archived Young STL

    At my old store all the ETL's were about mid 30's never that young. If I was 23 and an STL at Target I would shoot myself in the foot. Those people have no life they're literally always at the store even when they're not at the store.
  10. Loki

    Archived Training not very thorough?

    It happens a lot or at least it did at my old store. We had a person out in PFresh who never got a lick of training he had to learn everything just by doing it and making mistakes along the way. He often confided in people that it made him really self conscious about his work like it does for...
  11. Loki

    Archived Work With Diarrhea?

    We had an ETL tell us this story about how he loudly farted while helping a guest and tried to pretend it didn't happen until the guest said "It's ok everybody does it."
  12. Loki

    Archived Time Clock

    I had no idea this was even a thing. I never even paid attention and now I wish I still worked there just so I could purposely miss a punch and be fascinated that I never knew this.
  13. Loki

    Appearance Dress Code

    Who doesn't love them some Cher Horowitz?
  14. Loki

    Appearance Dress Code

    Our ETL-HR was a dick. He hated me and hated his life so of course he told me something about my damn beanie, but I kept wearing it anyways just to piss him off. No one else cared but him.
  15. Loki

    Appearance Dress Code

    My first store was nothing but a cesspool of unruly college kids. Facial piercings (myself included), wild hair, etc. There is no way they could have gotten away with a no tattoo / piercing policy they wouldn't have anyone working for them. I was pretty pissed once when they called me out for...
  16. Loki

    Archived Has Working Retail Made You An Independent Shopper?

    I did that anyways before I even started working retail. If I hate it when people ask if I need help why would I want to go nag someone else for it? I've always liked to just do my own thing. I usually can find what I'm looking for Target has made me a whiz at finding shit in random locations...
  17. Loki

    Archived Did I goof?

    Meh I don't think it's that big of a deal. At my old store I've heard ETL's, SrTL's, TL's, TM's even the STL (once) drop the F bomb and a few other choice words. It's not the worst thing you could do so I would say don't fucking stress over it.
  18. Loki

    Archived Old, bitter TMs

    There was this one guy who had been there for 10 years. He was in his 50's and the moment he found out I was going to be a TL he flipped his shit! Said I was too young and I didn't deserve it. He didn't do shit and it took him his entire shift to zone 2 aisles no lie! Needless to say he quit...
  19. Loki

    Archived Inappropriate jokes

    I'd have turned into Lucious Lyon...
  20. Loki

    Archived Work With Diarrhea?

    Yes yes I have. I too almost didn't make it, but if you think that's bad...when I was about 7 I got insanely sick and it was coming out of both ends. I actually diarrhea shat myself in my bed and vomited at the same time. My poor mother had to clean it up. She's a saint. It was awful. My family...