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  1. F

    New Merch Ops TL

    yes, this. Maybe I have selective memory but it seems like the caliber of leadership has really decreased. individuals are being promoted to positions they are simply not prepared tor and do not handle well. Seems like better individuals were chosen for these positions in the past. is the...
  2. F

    New Merch Ops TL

    FIRST: unless you have EVER been ON a presentation team PLEASE do NOT comment on what they ”have time for”. We have NEVER had time to clean, set, remerch, change data, pull and push with the hours given on ANY transition, ever. Some pogs within, sure, but for a whole transition: Something...
  3. F

    Business owner and a lead?

    Go for it. TL is better pay, benefits and 40 hours. You will still be able to start a side business, I did. Now, if ETL, it may be more difficult - cause salary, not hourly, on call, more than 40.
  4. F

    Other closing leads struggling?

    Process ? No, no process. Modernization was dismantled but nothing took its place. we are currently in a free for all with terrible scheduling and no routines.
  5. F

    Other closing leads struggling?

    I pity our closing TL - they are expected to do SO MUCH with SO FEW people. Dayside are completing less and less of audit and pulls
  6. F

    Pretty sure I’m dead in the water but have to ask

    You may have lost THIS position but there is no need to complete give up. Impress the new SD. Try again. Ask your ETL to help you prepare for the next set of interviews, he may have gotten some feedback as to why they turned you down. If you can get him to share that information you cause it...
  7. F

    GM TL that is going insane, losing all motivation and ready to give up

    If you fix the bad behaviors or replace the bad apples - it will all be worth it and things will get easier !
  8. F

    New P1 TL needing advice

    Take a deep breadth, calm down And slow down. You are doing TOO much while NOT doing the RIGHT things. Instead of pushing for 15 minutes, spend that 15 minutes improving your tm. Teaching, coaching when necessary and documenting. ‘Ever hear the “teach a man to fish“ story ? ‘Now, change the...
  9. F

    At the end of my rope. Rant/advice for a struggling inbound TL

    Woah there cowboy, slow down. I took offense to that comment “no one CARES enough to fix it“ !!! I care, I care TOO MUCH - I’m off the clock, relaxing at home typing about Target stuff !! Save me from myself ! we set stationary with no labels - which took LONGER by the way - and we NOT...
  10. F

    At the end of my rope. Rant/advice for a struggling inbound TL

    We cannot be the only ones. our changes recently: unload while store is closed. Inbound unloads, sometimes goes home and sometimes pushes - as a team/together in a dept. NO specific tm’s in the same depts everyday - no one owns a dept. Specific Plano and pricing tm’s ONLY to do ALL setting &...
  11. F

    At the end of my rope. Rant/advice for a struggling inbound TL

    THAT is VERY interesting ! This week we were not even ALLOWED to SAY “DBO” without being SHOT down With an immediate response of : ”we DON’T HAVE DBO’s anymore !!” Change is slow, maybe your time is coming. Good luck. Took us 2 years of trying really hard to make it work before we realized...
  12. F

    GM TL that is going insane, losing all motivation and ready to give up

    You are NOT alone ! refer to the thread: “how are y’all stores” to hear what kind of shape we are in . Advice - Punch in, stay positive, do your best, punch out - yes, it won’t be enough and yes, things will still be bad, and yes, there is no end in sight. ‘but please - know that getting...
  13. F

    At the end of my rope. Rant/advice for a struggling inbound TL

    We started changes to dismantle last fall - not much left now.
  14. F

    At the end of my rope. Rant/advice for a struggling inbound TL

    your scenario does not work at our store because - 1. our inbound TL doe not oversee ANY salesfloor 2. we do not have DBO’s anymore - no specific tm for any specific dept anymore 3. TL do not oversee any specific tm That is pushing - All TL‘s oversee ALL tm’s 4. Your description is not what...
  15. F

    At the end of my rope. Rant/advice for a struggling inbound TL

    Interesting. In December Our inbound TL owned Inbound and Home on the salesfloor, he left. New Inbound TL told: “you are NO longer GM - you own INBOUND - ONLY.” Which I thought was fair - there is so much to inbound. also ; fulfillment ONLY owns fulfillment...
  16. F

    Advice for Closing TL moving to dayside.

    This is a time of huge transition, things will be rough for a while, for us all. The dismantling of modernization (DBO’s) and the shifting of ownership (Specialty sales adding home depts. to their responsibilities) is going to be difficult. Change is slow and not always easy. We were told ...
  17. F

    2022 Bounus

    If a TM is on a paper with a coaching or final warning do they still get the bonus ?
  18. F

    Does this hurt my chances at becoming a leader?

    You just told us that YOUR ETL clearly said it would ! why are you asking here after you were told YES it will to your face ! IF you still have any chance left — you should NOT attend out of work parties and you should NEVER make poor comments about ANY tm - no matter how you feel. PS. If...
  19. F

    Closing Team Leader Interview Process

    The TL position has become more involved since SR. TL title went away. There was a time when a TL could know a FEW processes and get by. Currently ALL TL are doing the tasks of SR. TL - key holders and sometimes the ONlY leadership in the building ! To be successful these days you not...
  20. F

    TL Bonus 2022

    YES. Fair across the board for those of us that have never part part of the “in-crowd of favorites”.