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  1. M

    Archived Pay discrepancy between SETLs

    So I agree that performance outweighs experience when it comes to performance reviews and hiring. BUT, these TL raises were given strictly to get leaders into a pay grade which is why for me experience (or time in) matters in this. Before this happened, there was a pay gap between myself and...
  2. M

    Archived Pay discrepancy between SETLs

    Almost 15 years as a TL and I’m at $17.66 as SETL and the other SETL is at $17 with 3 years in. At some point in all of this modernization, you’d think that Target experience would matter.
  3. M

    Archived GM2

    Thanks for the reply:). At my store TL’s don’t do cash office either, we just have been a little bit salty about the closing/opening schedule. And now with the key carrier and cash office codes added in, its just adding to the frustration. Not a lot of communication and at times not a lot of...
  4. M

    Archived GM2

    In my store all of the GM TL’s and one Style TL are key carriers. SE TL and FB TL’s are not. However, the SE TL’s still work regular closing/opening shifts. Can’t seem to get a straight answer about why either. Adding to the frustration now is that the new key holders are getting codes for the...
  5. M

    Archived Merit %s

    So help me understand something. If you are an ION, do you have to be on a corrective action? I’m asking because my last TL review I was an ION and never on CCA nor was I ever told that I was on the road to a CCA. To say I was stunned is an understatement. What I was told is that the brand and...