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  1. Anelmi

    Onward to Drive-Up Hell

    How's that gonna work when you add Fresh/Frozen into the mix?
  2. Anelmi

    Onward to Drive-Up Hell

    ^^ exactly. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve received the beep alert, grabbed the item, get the honk, go out and no one is there. This happens several more times until the guest realizeS they are at the WRONG store. Now this also speaks to the inadequacy of Targets geo-fencing but...
  3. Anelmi

    Onward to Drive-Up Hell

    Wow. My problem with this is that you are letting Corp believe you are actually getting it done in less than 2 minutes when CLEARLY you wouldn't even come close. Why let them think you can do it when you can't? It's cheating really.
  4. Anelmi

    Guest complained about me for being "rude"

    It comes with the territory, unfortunately. :(
  5. Anelmi

    Drive up out of control

    Salesfloor will cashier but never do DUs because they haven't been trained for that.
  6. Anelmi

    Service & Engagement Cleaning

    I would say no. I would say that the cleaning is all for show. I would say that those hours would be better served elsewhere. I would say that if a guest is touching clothes and then deciding not to purchase and they are put in the abandoned bin, what is the difference? If we have reduced...
  7. Anelmi

    Service & Engagement Cleaning

    You just started Drive Up last week?!?!
  8. Anelmi

    Placing Online Order for Guests

    No not possible. They could go to the store themselves and get it but we can’t override things like that.
  9. Anelmi

    Time to pick up my Drive Up

    As I've said before, no one in my store wears them. Ever.
  10. Anelmi

    Time to pick up my Drive Up

    We put all of our DU gear away due to the virus. 'Course I never liked wearing the shared coat anyway. Ew.
  11. Anelmi

    Drive up out of control

    Yes. And guests who don’t select DU are calling the store to request we bring it out anyway.
  12. Anelmi

    Drive up out of control

    It uses the camera already at the front's not a special one.
  13. Anelmi

    Drive up out of control

    Do you have the app on your zebra?
  14. Anelmi

    Drive up out of control

    Counting is done by the entry door cameras now. There shouldn't be TMs physically counting anymore.
  15. Anelmi

    Drive up out of control

    We “sign” with a line.
  16. Anelmi

    Drive up out of control

    ETLs never help with DU at my store. It's all on us but my GS team works really well together. I'm surprised you didn't hire 99% of your seasonal for flex. That's where all of ours went.
  17. Anelmi

    Service & Engagement Cleaning

    But here's what happened at my store because we were scheduled to the bare bones: they gave a cashier the cleaning shift but didn't replace them with someone else.
  18. Anelmi


    But you are not price matching the entire cart to Walmart even at GS. It’s a straight no.
  19. Anelmi


    Do you mean price match to Walmart? That would be a hard pass on a full cart. You can do one price match and then call it done. Definitely a situation where you could’ve turned on your light and cAlled for assistance.
  20. Anelmi

    Archived Online pickup fun :)

    Yep. If they can tell me what was ordered, I will let it go. Sometimes I've had them call the person and I will verify that the pickup is good to go with the not-listed alternate.