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  1. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOSRTL: BAHAHA. I know you must have been scared out of your mind with that gas leak but what would possess you to announce 'we need to evacuate the store' in a panicky voice on channel 1? from what I heard you guys didn't even have time to evacuate before the fire department came and had the...
  2. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTO Starbucks team at our nearby store: of course we don't mind lending you baristas, since you're short one due to some kind of emergency. but they're all coming back with horror stories, lol. like how you're all rude and out of dress code all the time, how you had to ask how to do simple...
  3. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: OH GOD WHERE DO I START WITH YOU. you go nuts cleaning insignificant stuff in the middle of a rush when what we ACTUALLY need you to do is, like, help with the rush? I dunno? maybe? then you complain that you're the only one who ever cleans anything or knows how to do anything right...
  4. radiochu

    Archived When were YOU rude?

    tired 4th quarter GSA me was tired and dealing with lanes being super underscheduled as always and no one responding for backup because of course not. a guest left the line, came up to me and very indignantly huffed, "I can't believe you only have three lanes open for all these people!" without...
  5. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: stop standing there looking bored watching me bust my ass! I even gave you an easy in by mentioning that I was probably not leaving you any work because I'm so used to doing it myself that I was on autopilot, and your only response was, "yeah, I was like, 'I hope she doesn't think I'm...
  6. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOGSTL: it irritates me a little for you to be the one coaching me on attendance when you're the first one to duck out early whenever you feel like it. You just don't get yelled at because you have access to MyTime so you just change your schedule. How many texts have I woken up to with you...
  7. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    dear manchild: DON'T CALL OFF ON YOUR LAST DAY OF WORK. I mean, it's too late, you already did it and we already handled it, but GOOD GRAVY child. don't let the door hit you on the way out, although I realize it's a prerequisite for you to have come in the door in the first place. though we...
  8. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    lol. one of my fellow baristas is rubbing off on us... she came in from day one calling everyone 'dear' and 'babe' and 'hun' and while it bothered me at first I've gotten used to it, and now I can't stop doing it myself. neither can any of the rest of us. it's a little awkward.
  9. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TToSBTM: sweetie, you know I love the pants off you, but DEAR GOD, you literally missed 50% of the closing tasks. you didn't even take out a single trash can. you didn't even pull any pastries. I think you did dishes. that may have been it. swear to fuzzy little pandas, if you do that to me...
  10. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    oh dear AP, I'm just as glad to see her gone as you probably are. but did you really have to walk her before the only other person who was FA trained got her lunch, meaning I had to scramble around to cover it myself on the craziest morning ever? I know, I know, the answer is yes, but man was...
  11. radiochu

    To that one guest

    lady, having me add your receipt up with a calculator isn't going to change the result. not believing the calculator and asking me to add it up by hand on paper isn't going to change the result. just suck it up and accept that you spent $75. I spend more than I mean to all the time. world hasn't...
  12. radiochu

    To that one guest

    TTOG, it's the BREAK ROOM why are you in the BREAK ROOM talking to me why would you come in the door marked OFFICE and proceed down to the door marked TEAM MEMBERS ONLY and then TALK TO ME when I am very obviously STUFFING FOOD IN MY FACE OH GAWD. and no, you can't have the toy you returned...
  13. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    to our STL: before you set stanchions to control traffic at the front end and insist it will help traffic flow, maybe you should listen to us when we tell you how it just makes it worse, every single time you do it. you have no idea how the front end needs to be run and I wish you'd just leave...
  14. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: whaaaaaaaat in the world has possessed you. your anger issues just keep escalating. tonight one of my favorite GSTLs told me she had to take a break before she threw you over the counter. I moved you to checklanes because I know you hate service desk and because I felt like it might...
  15. radiochu

    To that one guest

    we get a lot of this too. we also have a lot of TMs who don't know what they're doing and still get tasked with bringing up FF orders, so we get a LOT of lost items. I always have a brief moment of panic when a guest comes in and I can't find them in MyGO. and then you ask if they got the email...
  16. radiochu

    To that one guest

    Lady. We had a bomb threat this morning. Every single cart that got abandoned had to be searched and deemed safe before we could open again. No, we do not have your cart, nobody cares about how long you spent searching for each of your stupid items and if it was the last one, we just care that...
  17. radiochu

    To that one guest

    TTOG: toys is a mess you say? Gee, I can't imagine why, maybe we should check a calendar?! Seriously, I'm done with the holidays.
  18. radiochu

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM... how in the EVER LOVING FUCK do you mistake a REDcard for a gift card. I mean did the absence of a barcode or the presence of a magstrip or hey maybe the fact that IT SAYS REDCARD ON THE FRONT not tip you off?! and to make matters worse, you're a permanent hire. I would trade nearly...
  19. radiochu

    To that one guest

    TTOG: thanks for giving me the warm fuzzies yesterday/today. not because you were NICE, of course, because you weren't. you were a royal bitch. if you had been slightly less of one, I may have been nice and called over the GSTL to see if he'd approve of me matching an online-only offer for you...
  20. radiochu

    To that one guest

    I can understand if the shelf was messy. I've happily given price changes for that. but the rest of the shelf had a really great zone going, and probably the part that made me headdesk the most was that there were multiple facings of this exact product, with only one facing of the product that...