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  1. S

    To that one guest

    its folks like that that make all this worthwile you can have a thousand crappy ones but that one good one who treats you with respect and like a human being outshines the rest.
  2. S

    To that one guest

    I think she was used to getting her way tbh she looked the type. Ie a spoiled brat
  3. S

    To that one guest

    these guests on their phones are reeeeally starting to piss me off. had one last night round nine fourty five come up with an overflowing cart of groceries yapping away like theres no tomorrow. and stop her cart. now i thought she was going to grab a drink or something but she just stood there...
  4. S

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    to the GSA contrary to your sell glorified world you seem to inhabit I am fully aware of how to do my job and multi task at the same time.oh your boyfriend is here, that's ****in swell, hey there is a line forming at the lanes but your hanging on your darling boyfriend.yet fifteen minutes to...
  5. S

    Archived Guests throwing their full handbaskets at you to dig in.

    oh that's just wrong God wtf is wrong with these people. seriously sometimes I think they were raised in a barn.
  6. S

    Archived Scary Guest

    boy i sure as hell hope i never run in to that guy id probably die of shock who the hell would want to exucute santa, seriously didnt he ever watch any of the old christmas shows on tv
  7. S

    Archived I hate it when...

    Ah yes but that would go against all unspoken laws that guests follow the clerk at the lanes is always below you and it is perfectly in your right to act all smug and superiour to them. i once had a guest tell her son not to drop out of school or she will end up like me, working retail, so to...
  8. S

    Archived "I'm sorry, I'm off the clock"

    aw i hate the lane light issue there have been times when i turn my light off and guests still line up. then there are the ones who look up see that its off, look at me and say "are you open" man sometimes i wanna say nope sorry and make a beeline for the breakroom shouting see ya sucker hahaha.
  9. S

    Archived I hate it when...

    it irks me to no end when im trying to clean restrooms and guests dont read the freakin sign for gods sake thats what its there for people i have seen people even get to the door look down see the sign pick it up and set it off to the side and keep on truckin seriously :hunter: