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  1. PinkZinnia

    Archived Who Has A Target 401K Enrollment Plan?

    I wonder why they are doing that? I wonder if they are afraid the stock might plummet and peoples 401K's will be worthless.. Naaa, they wouldn't care -
  2. PinkZinnia

    Archived CASH OFFICE

    In our district you must be GSA to do cash office. Our our differential between cashier pay and GSA pay is 1.00
  3. PinkZinnia

    Archived Who Has A Target 401K Enrollment Plan?

    Yes a 401k for a company is usually for every one in the co. I couldn't tell you what rate I have. Finances are dispersed. Some in high risk. Some in - as I call them, comfortable risk. Been with my wealth advisor for a long time - she is with one of the big firms though since my divorce I'm...
  4. PinkZinnia

    Archived Who Has A Target 401K Enrollment Plan?

    be careful withdrawing any 401k funds - you need to talk to an accountant or financial adviser before you do. - You may have to pay taxes.. When you set up your 401k you have a choice, pretax or after tax. If you don't understand it, talk to someone first..If could have a big impact on your...
  5. PinkZinnia

    Archived If leave company, how does it affect your health insurance?

    If you leave your job. You should be able to apply for Obamacare and may be double for the tax credits - even though enrollment might be over, it's called change in circumstances which enables you to apply. Of course it depends on the state you are in to decide costs and coverage...
  6. PinkZinnia

    Archived Health Insurance

    I thought you were eligible after 1000 hours of work time.
  7. PinkZinnia

    Archived Health Insurance

    Fully trained.. Those are funny words.. My training... Pink, we had a call out at guest services, you need to cover and also close..I'll give you numbers to accept payments.. Do you know how to do crc's.. Me - do what? What kind of payments.. OMG I'm lost.. The night flew by, even though I had...
  8. PinkZinnia

    Archived Health Insurance

    I think it's 42 a paycheck for single. I have to find a paycheck to verify that
  9. PinkZinnia

    Archived Health Insurance

    According to obamacare, an employer has to offer it if you work 29.5 (30) hours. That is a change for 2015. Not sure what the actual guidelines are though. I think last year it was 31.5 (32) hours. The government only knows how to round up, so 29.5 equals 30 hours in their eyes.. I haven't...
  10. PinkZinnia

    Archived The great GSA pay debate

    @Forhyre how do you close with no numbers?
  11. PinkZinnia

    Archived Target Paying For Hotel?

    No you would not. But if you aren't old enough to get the hotel room, target (at least the one I work at) will vouch that you work there. They also might be able to get you a better rate, but that's it. People have stayed over night at our store when the weather was to bad to leave. I would...
  12. PinkZinnia

    Archived pay check

    you can only look at it online while at work.
  13. PinkZinnia

    Interesting article on wellness exams

    why do you need any insurance? Most is no longer an option. Health, Auto, Home. The only type that seems to be optional is insurance on your life.
  14. PinkZinnia

    Archived Entry pay

    @Amaazingdude if I resign - there is no way I will reapply..
  15. PinkZinnia

    Archived LOA

    20/20 and dateline do shows on people scamming disability all the time. Not that I think you are scamming, but if you are collecting disability from one company and want to collect a salary from another I think it is considered a form of fraud. I would check with Pay&benefits before I took...
  16. PinkZinnia

    Archived Entry pay

    I heard someone in hr offer a person a cashier job today. I know that Tm's who were making below what new minimum pay will be in January were bumped up in pay, but i didnt realize how much. New hires will be making more then I am as GSA...I am very sad..
  17. PinkZinnia

    Archived Cancel Health Insurance

    always get something in writing - from insurance you have and insurance you cancel - even if you print it from the internet. showing dates of start and cancel (of policies)- In case you need to get insurance down the road for whatever reason, companies always want to know about lapses and why.
  18. PinkZinnia

    Archived I know regular, overtime, hol premium, SHF $1.00, and even Exp Reimb, but this??

    huh, maybe I should look at my paystubs. - I think I have opened 2 or 3 of them in the few years I have been there. I have never heard of anyone in our store getting "cashprize" on pay stub - and they would be talking about it if it ever happened. Our store will never give out gift cards either...