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  1. TTGOz

    W2 showing but....

    I will add this if you haven't tried it yet. I use a desktop, and I right-clicked the W-2 and clicked "Save as" and it will save as a PDF to your computer.
  2. TTGOz

    Archived Code of silence!

    Left at a hard $13/hr. now I'm making $15/hr elsewhere at another retail chain.
  3. TTGOz

    Archived Chance of getting rehired

    LOA is an option too!
  4. TTGOz

    Archived Chance of getting rehired

    Just leave on a good note, finish a two weeks if you can, if you can't... just try to work with them as best as you can and try to get some clarification on your re-hire status before you leave.
  5. TTGOz

    Archived What happens to 401k and Health Insurance after...

    As far as 401k goes, you have to connect with an HR TM or ETL-HR to get your 401k transferred into an IRA penalty and tax free. If you transfer without Target, you get penalized 20%. I just put my two weeks in and I have $2200 in my 401k with Target so I need to do that.
  6. TTGOz

    Archived Last payment mailed or direct deposited?

    Might have to use the nifty search bar then. If I recall it's by paper, not sure if they mail it or just wait for you to get it. ASANTS I suppose.
  7. TTGOz

    Archived Last payment mailed or direct deposited?

    Might wanna un-forget that call and let them know!
  8. TTGOz

    Archived 64 hours to 4 hours...are they trying to tell me something??

    I'm at less hours but down from my usual 32-36 to 20-24.
  9. TTGOz

    Archived Clopening

    I'm one of those TMs that also clopens every weekend, it's ridiculous. I talked to my ETL-HR about it and she says it's because no one else has the availability to close that night. I decided to put in an availability change myself and make it so I can only open on weekends, hasn't been declined...
  10. TTGOz

    Archived Cashier Schedule Days Off

    Taking a week off is solely up to your HR and ETL-HR. I would never recommend you ask to get a whole 7-day period off if you're under 90 days or been here less than half a year. It's not unusual to ask for a week off.. I do it once or twice a year just to get a week off, but speak to your HR if...
  11. TTGOz

    Archived 401k worth it?

    Started my 401k as soon as I turned 18 here in Minnesota. Rules got changed from 21 to 18 (with all previous work hour and experience requirements still intact, but I met them all.) I think this year total after I signed up, I've got $500 or so in my 401k.
  12. TTGOz

    Archived Electronics Pay for Non-Electronics TMs

    My ETL-Food told me something like if more than 50% of your shifts are in a different department, you get paid the higher wage you'd get if you were keyed in that department. edit: of course probably ASANTS
  13. TTGOz

    Archived Does this mean I'm fired?

    Just lower January hours. Ive been here for two years and my two weeks out is only 4.75 hours. Bad enough, its a cashier shift. I don't do cashier anymore and havent for months now. Merrrr.
  14. TTGOz

    Archived Home/Car Buying

    It's time for the lotto at TTGOz's lane! See how much cash you get back because he can't do simple math! But seriously it's not that bad lol
  15. TTGOz

    Archived Home/Car Buying

    Yes, I realize I'm adding something wrong in my mental math equations.
  16. TTGOz

    Archived Home/Car Buying

    At $11.25 I'm making 33k a year if I work full time, definitely hard though since not even TLs are guaranteed 40 hours, but they get 32 at least.
  17. TTGOz

    Archived Home/Car Buying

    Hey so I looked at Benefits hub at Target Pay and Benefits website, apparently you can get cars for a certain amount of $$$ off the total MSRP, you just have to select which brand and car you want. it looks like it's mostly all online so any haggling/dealing opportunities are probably out of the...
  18. TTGOz

    Archived Home/Car Buying

    You can buy cars at a discount with Target? huh, you learn new things every day. Well, I'm not much of a house guy but there's plenty of car people here, myself included. Shoot any of us a PM if you need any help or info on a car. As for the actual buying process... I can't help with that...
  19. TTGOz

    Archived Home/Car Buying

    Like an actual car and home or auto and home insurance?
  20. TTGOz

    Archived Not scheduled for work for a whole week.

    Yeah or just getting time off. They'll accept it, but then get a sore thumb over it at my store lol. This past June/July I had 2 weekends off just for College Visits/Life things and sometime around late August/First week of September I had asked to cross-train into Hardlines and they brought up...