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  1. blueTieGuy

    Hours Being Cut

    Right, it’s gotten to the point that I’ve seen the tech TM just decide to go so they don’t hit compliance and deal with it later.
  2. blueTieGuy

    Hours Being Cut

    And that’s how it should be store wide. It was such a pain having to constantly ask for someone to relieve me for my meal. Especially when my multiple calls would go unanswered, even from my own TL at times.
  3. blueTieGuy

    Hours Being Cut

    Exactly. I always hated having to ask for someone to cover my breaks because they never considered having two people working for Tech to make things easier for everyone. I also felt bad for the Style members for always having to stop what they were doing and cover for us.
  4. blueTieGuy

    Hours Being Cut

    Speaking as a former tech TM though, it’s hard. It’s hard trying to keep up with the work load as well as getting called back for a guest every few minutes. And don’t even get me going on Consumer Cellular 🤮So glad I don't work in that dept anymore.
  5. blueTieGuy

    Hours Being Cut

    I was a tech/electronics team member beforehand.
  6. blueTieGuy

    Hours Being Cut

    Anyone else’s hours being severely cut? I’m currently the store ambassador for our remodel. My schedule had me initially at 33-35 hours a week. But in the last couple of weeks I’ve noticed that my hours have been cut in half, averaging only about 15-16 hours a week. I’ve tried bringing this up...
  7. blueTieGuy

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    Had mine last week, got a 3 cent raise. Almost told the TL who reviewed me to just keep it. I get that I haven’t been with my store for a year yet, but please, don’t insult me or my time.