
  1. J

    Which day do I load the sweep trailer?

    My sweep days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We did the unloads at 4am, so I would load the sweep on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. However my store just switched to midnight unloads. Am I correct that I would now load the sweep on Monday, Wednesday and Friday?
  2. TargetMcFly

    How do you check or know if a trailer is a sweep trailer?

    Besides asking an ETL or TL/receiver (sometimes they don't know either), how do you check if a trailer is for sweeping or not? And how do I check it myself when there is a sweep on a certain day?
  3. H


    Out of curiosity, what could cause a DC to only receive part of a sweep? Like we send 1200 eaches and they receive 1000. Also I'd like to know How many sweeps can we send per trailer?
  4. F

    Sweeping loose cardboard

    Are bailer broke and my store was wondering if the DC well take loose cardboard in Gaylord box pallets on the sweep
  5. Tactic number 8

    Archived Forgot to schedule sweep!

    Anybody have the number to schedule an extra sweep for next week? It would be greatly appreciated!