Archived Advice for scheduling problem

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Oct 11, 2015
When I applied to Target I put in for the overnight stock position, 10-6. I purposely put those hours down because that's when I'm available. Through the interview process I told them those were the hours I wanted and I could stay until 7 on occasion and it was all well and good. In my interview, they said those were the hours I'd be working.

Now I notice this week they have me coming in at 1am, and then another day 12:30am etc. I can't make it those hours because I depend on my Dad for rides and he works overnights as well. I have no issue coming in at 10pm which is why I put those hours down. How should I go about telling them that? I don't really want to make waves because I'm new, but at the same time, I can't physically get to work at that time. Any advice?
Assuming they put your availability in the system at 10pm-6am as long as you are scheduled to start after 10 and leave before 6 you are expected to show up for your shift and can be held accountable for not doing so. There is no such thing as guaranteeing that you will work an exact shift time.

If you go to them they will most likely tell you the same thing and since it sounds like you are under 90 days and you signed off on your availability when you got hired you can be let go if you aren't able to make those shifts.
How far do you live from your store? Is walking or biking an option?
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