Archived Backroom Truck hours

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Jan 25, 2014
Hypothetically, if you had a 2500 piece truck, how many backroom hours would you say it requires to get all tasks completed? (AUTO's, CAF's, Backstock). I'm a push-all store, so I know results will vary, I'm just curious as to what type of hours other stores what assume they need for this size workload
First we don't predict truck sizes 2 weeks in advance. We know about it the day we get it or the night before. So hours for backroom depend more on the day of the week. Regardless of truck size I had 8 BR TMs on food truck nights and weekends because of higher pull counts. Other nights we ran with 5 BR TMs. We could handle 2500 easily with 5 TMs and leave the backroom swept and organized
5? I got one.

Amount of backroom team members depends more on your store volume and less on your truck size.

With a 2500, you'd need a minimum of 4 to come clean, probably 5 or 6 if you want to sort transition as well.
It also depends on who the BR team members are. For example in my store...they will throw people back there , that are beyond lazy..then when you don't come clean the tl will say ...well I gave you extra help. WELL, if they extra help you gave is useless then it kinda doesn't count . When you only have two backroom team members who actually work and work hard ...yeah its hard to keep up with bs .
Our store is down to about 110-130 hours per week for all of backroom, including the BR-TL. So that allows us to have 1 BR TM until 8pm, and 2-3 TM's during the morning for 4-4.5 hour shifts. If the BR-TL is here, we'll leave a gap between 10am to 2pm, so they will have to cover BR during that time.

It's bizarre since the BR workload hasn't decreased at all(If anything it's increased due to Flexible Fulfillment), but hours has. There's been no improvement to the process to justify such a drastic cut....they're basically saying "Well, you were able to do the job with 220 hours last do the same job with half that"
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