Archived Does market source just try to hire the worst people they can find?

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Boat captain
Apr 12, 2015
I swear I am at my wits end with these people. from the guy who got his ass reamed by his district manager one week for solicitation (always asked me for money because he would blow his on pot), harassment (would NOT leave electronics TMs alone about his personal life to the point where we would stay in books to avoid the dude) and inappropriate behavior (would talk religion and politics with guests) AND GOT PROMOTED TO MANAGER FOR ANOTHER STORE THE NEXT WEEK. then his replacement for tues and weds was a girl who's baby daddy would bring in her son WHILE SHE WAS AT WORK and the kid would run around and hang off the mom while she was trying to make sales with guests. She even asked if my team member would finish the sale so she could change his diaper. (She never came back to our store after that day.) I'm just waiting for our next one to fuck up. Anyone else have problems with target mobile?
We have had a revolving door of Target Mobile TMs for the last three years. We had one woman who was there for about a year and finally became the team lead before she quit. We had another team lead the lasted about six months. Every other team member and lead has lasted on average maybe two weeks. No joke.

And yes. I'm pretty sure they do hire whoever.
The main mobile TM (I don't know if he's a TL or not) at my store is great, and he knows his shit.
At our store they kept hiring away the best electronics TMs.
It was a source of annoyance.
Until we got our current guy we had gone through a period of about a year where every single one of our mobile TMs were stealing phones or selling them for cash without processing them through the register.
My mobile team is great, exceptor for tge manager. He is obnoxious and bossy, my team and his team have just about had it.
We've had a few good ones at my store...but then there's the usual not so good ones (too social with electronics TMs, stealing phones, don't try to sell phones, or just stand around and play on their phone the whole shift).
Our mobile manager is great. He knows his stuff and will cover the boat for breaks if we are shorthanded. The other guys I haven't interacted with much.
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