Archived Does the integrity hotline do any good?

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May 21, 2015
I'm having major issues with some of my leadership to the point I'm considering making the call. But before I do Is like some insight on some things.

-Does calling solve anything or will I just be blowing more hot air.
-Is it going to comeback on me somehow? If some of them don't like me now, they'll straight up hate me after that.
It depends entirely on the reason for the call.

Is it something that will cause Spot agita or legal problems?
Have you gone through all the levels that you should and not gotten the proper responses?
Do you sound like someone who is reasonable and responsible, without an axe to grind?
Is it something that will cost them money?

If the answer to at least three of the above is yes, then you have good reason to call.
Otherwise it will be tricky.
It depends entirely on the reason for the call.

Is it something that will cause Spot agita or legal problems?
Have you gone through all the levels that you should and not gotten the proper responses?
Do you sound like someone who is reasonable and responsible, without an axe to grind?
Is it something that will cost them money?

If the answer to at least three of the above is yes, then you have good reason to call.
Otherwise it will be tricky.

I can't really go to anyone higher in my store except HR or STL and I just don't feel like they can fix the issue. I also am very reasonable. As for legal issues, Idk, I just have two leaders and one from AP who stay on my ass and are rude af... It has nothing to do with costing then money
If they are riding you and being rude, the hotline is not going to help.
They are just going to kick it back to HR and the STL, wanting to know why they aren't handling it.
They aren't handling it because you haven't told them.

Sorry man, but corporate isn't going to get involved unless things haven't been handled at the store level first.
My opinion, based on what I've seen happen when people have called, is that they will go to the "ends of the Earth" to find out who called and retaliate.

Maybe this isn't everyone's opinion or experience.

That's if you want to stay anonymous. If you give your name and such, you're only going to make it one step easier for them.

Will it solve anything? Who can say? It might definitely solve you having a job in the long run. Again, all my opinion. I can't back it up with facts or statistics.
My opinion, based on what I've seen happen when people have called, is that they will go to the "ends of the Earth" to find out who called and retaliate.

It is the same way at my store. A call to the hotline is almost certainly going to bring about retaliation and not always to the person who called. There have been times when Team Member A called the hotline, but Team Member B had brought that same issue up to in-store leadership. Team Member B was then retaliated against because it was believed they made the call.
Talk to your stl, first. Document all events. Don't call hotline. We have several threads that have the bad side of the hotline, just use the search function.
To make a long story short...yes, calls to the hotline can help. However, it depends on what the complaint is etc. If its something that multiple tms call about ...then yes something will be done. If its something that is just happening to you...then that could make things a lil more difficult. To the OP, I wouldn't let them talk down to me or ride me etc...simply go to your HR and ask if you can talk to him /her. Ask them if team lead Spotty ( whoever is being rude and or riding ) has an issue with you because you feel they are rude and ride you all the time. Also, tell them you feel singled out etc. This does two lets the HR know there is an issue and when the HR talks to TL Spotty...lets them know that you will stand up for yourself etc. If it keeps on after that go back to your HR and ask to speak to the hr and stl at the same time...and tell the them the situation is still going on and you want to know how it will be fixed. If the issue still continues after that I would call the hotline for sure.
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I can't really go to anyone higher in my store except HR or STL and I just don't feel like they can fix the issue. I also am very reasonable. As for legal issues, Idk, I just have two leaders and one from AP who stay on my ass and are rude af... It has nothing to do with costing then money
Are they just like that to you or everyone? If it's just you, calling the hotline won't really do much except cause them to retaliate more unless you have other people to back you up.
The hotline exists so that management can be held accountable to violations of corporate policy/legal obligations. Labor law violations, sexual harassment, safety hazards, etc. The hotline is there for violations that get people fired or put on final corrective action.

It won't do any good if it's something akin to being performanced out, or having your hours reduced or, being told you'd be promoted when you weren't or being made to "feel bad".

Honestly, without context, we really can't help you.
Jack, that thing has a VERY Expressive face!!! It is fascinating,wish I knew it in real life. Lmao!
It's depend, I would call dept of labor or OSHA than call hotline because they will take it as serious case than hotline will go back to store manager.
I'm going through the same thing with my ETL AP, but we don't have an STL or an ETL HR. Guess I'm gonna have to make a stop by the other store. They've been support helping us, but just as LODs, not HR. What do you think they'll say?
I'm going through the same thing with my ETL AP, but we don't have an STL or an ETL HR. Guess I'm gonna have to make a stop by the other store. They've been support helping us, but just as LODs, not HR. What do you think they'll say?
Is your etl-ap running the store?
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