Archived Help with the closing announcements.

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Reshop Ninja

Softlines Dps
Sep 23, 2014
This is really embarrassing to admit but I have been dreading each of the closing operator shifts I've been scheduled because of having to do the closing announcements. I have a very hard time modulating my voice and wind up sounding irritated or mad over the loud speaker when I'm really not. It just takes so much my concentration to read out loud what's on the print-out without stumbling over my words or talking too fast that I'm not able to focus on sounding all fake cheerful. Does anyone have any advice on what I could do to remedy this?
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Take some deep breaths & practice before its time do it. Put a smile on your face when doing it.
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I did the closing announcements at the book store which was fun because we could say things like "If you stay past 10 you will have to help us clean the store." and "When the store closes we will be releasing the radioactive hamsters."

Try lowering your voice an octave and pretend you're doing the voice over for a movie.
Sounds silly but it makes the process a lot less intimidating.
Have fun with it, make it your bitch, think action movie one night, romance the next, maybe even a samurai film for change of pace.
Practice it.... maybe while recording yourself so you can play it back and don't use the printout. You speak differently when reading something.

Also kudos... I could never do it, it would be a hot mess.
I LOVE saying the closing announcement! It's because I can't sing worth a damn it is my only opportunity to get my hands on any kind of microphone. :p
Yeah, I sort of dread doing announcements too, but then I realize that all of this nervousness is just because I don't like the sound of my voice, which is stupid when you really think about it. People hear you speak all the time. You have to talk on the phone for your entire shift. So I just think of it as talking over the phone, and that makes it a lot easier.

Remember, it's no big deal if you mess up. It's not like it's a talent show. No one is even paying that much attention. They're just thinking "Oh no, I only have 10 minutes left?!" and concentrating on trying to finish their shopping. Once you stop psyching yourself out, you'll feel more comfortable and the cheeriness will come naturally.
Don't think about it too much, and have fun with it!

Draw your words out and speak like a boxing announcer!
Attention guests: the store will be closing at 11 PM, which is in <N> minutes. At that point all remaining guests will be thrown into the trash compactor. We got five the first time but none since then, who wants to win a darwin award?! Please make your way to the registers located at the front of the store. *CLICK*
When I first started with Spot , they didn't have a bell to ring ( before the store opens for team members) they would leave the first set of glass doors open...and keep the second locked. Anyways, they would put a phone outside the picked it up hit the code for the over head ...and let them know you were there. I was so shy and hated doing I would just hit the random buttons to make noise ( on the overhead)...the etl/log knew it was me so she would come let me in.
When I first started with Spot , they didn't have a bell to ring ( before the store opens for team members) they would leave the first set of glass doors open...and keep the second locked. Anyways, they would put a phone outside the picked it up hit the code for the over head ...and let them know you were there. I was so shy and hated doing I would just hit the random buttons to make noise ( on the overhead)...the etl/log knew it was me so she would come let me in.
We just clip a walkie to the door handle, because usually no one is in the TSC to hear the bell.
Protip (I've always wanted to say that.): If you mess up, just keep going. If you REALLY mess up, there's no shame in turning off the mic, indulging in a giggle fit, and starting over from the top. One of the things I miss about Softlines is being closing operator. I hated doing the announcements at first, but eventually loved it and made it sound like I was announcing for an amusement park ride.

My "favorite" thing was repeating the final announcement every couple minutes after the store closed when there were one or two guests who were stubborn enough to continue shopping in the low light. I swear, I almost said this one night: "Attention Target Guests, Target has been closed for fifteen minutes! We will be open tomorrow from..." You get the idea.
I just wish it could be heard throughout the store! We've mentioned it before, but you can't hear it in most of market or the back corner of seasonal so we always have people getting confused when the lights dim down.

"Oh, are you guys about to close!?"

"No ma'am, we are already closed..."
I just wish it could be heard throughout the store! We've mentioned it before, but you can't hear it in most of market or the back corner of seasonal so we always have people getting confused when the lights dim down.

"Oh, are you guys about to close!?"

"No ma'am, we are already closed..."

We have the same problem at my store. I don't see why they can't just turn up the volume on the PA system.
One operator at my store ended up saying something along the lines of "Attention Target guests, the time is now (5-10 minutes after closing), and our team members would like to go home. Bring your purchases to the registers etc. etc."

The LOD then asked the operator to go to channel 3.

"...thank you. That was awesome."
We have the same problem at my store. I don't see why they can't just turn up the volume on the PA system.
For ours, it's just those speakers don't work most of the time. :/ They have worked on them in the past, but it doesn't seem to be a permanent fix.
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