Archived How often do you request time off?

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Just axing...
Never. I meant to once and I'm scheduled that day. Not surprised as I work 6 days a week. Now and again, it's okay but you it doesn't guarantee you'll get it off; especially at this time of the year.
Once maybe every two to three months. I always try to save my vacation hours.
Never, unless I have a school thing (which happens like once a month september-november). School > Target.
I let HR know what days I need off about a month before the full schedule posting and clearly state the legitimate reason why. Probably like 3 days out of the year
I put in for a few Fridays off over the summer and no one approved them so they got auto denied. This is why I have 150 vacation hours. :/
I took my first ever week long vacation in my 3 years back in July...
How often?
Not often enough, the rate I'm racking up vay-cay.
Interesting - that about seals the deal with me that I'll be just a seasonal employee at Target. Even if requested to stay on, I'd need to request up to 10 days a month off, plus I've got a two week vacation planned in June. Sounds like that wouldn't happen. I thought maybe it would be OK, since I'd be fine with one half shift a week.
I used to request off all of the time. 99% of the time it was approved. Unless you are trying to pull a fast one and get major holidays off or every weekend it really should never be an issue. Someone always wants hours if you dont want to work.
One of my favorite things about working retail is that I can literally request any day off and it will get approved.
This was mainly because I worked hardlines and it was easy to fill in my shifts.
Before I used to take time off for any reason. Now I only do it if I have a school event or a medical appointment.
You guys rack up paid time off? In the 6+ years I've worked for Target, I've never worked my average yearly hours up enough to qualify for paid time off.
That said... I'll ask for time off maybe once every 2 years. I can't afford to take unpaid time off.
I hardly ever request time off. a few times a year, maybe. usually I try to make it a long weekend around one of my rotating weekends that I'll already have off. I have some vacation/personal hours but I'd rather use that for emergencies.
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